Before I get to some news I need to hop up on my soapbox and have a "moment".
If you have been with me awhile you may remember this post when I was laid off my job 1 1/2yrs ago. During this time we moved across country closer to family which I told you about in this post. The move had been planned way before I lost my job.
I had planned on quitting as our move got closer - but was instead blessed with a nice severance package and unemployment insurance. Two things I wouldn't have had otherwise.
Now as most of you are aware, the economy here in the US is horrible and jobs are scarce. As I searched for a job - we started to realize how bad things have gotten in the job market. It was looking bleak and we lost sleep thinking about it.
And since we had no idea if or when I would ever be able to find a job in my career field, my husband and I worked to stretch our savings to the ends of the Earth.. Much farther than we ever thought we would need to. And we learned that the security blanket we had may not be large enough at times like this. But, at the same time, we also counted our blessings.
One of those blessings is my husbands job. Unlike some people suffering - he has an excellent job and makes a good living. And for that we are thankful!
But at the same time we had to pull our family together. And, along with our children, we learned the true meaning of a "want" vs a "need".
And knowing that times like this can be scary for kids - we continued to assure them that even though they may not get what they want - they would always have what they need! And explained that this way of thinking was their parents being responsible for their future rather than indulging them in their present.
During this time we have seen a change in our kids. They are more aware and they also have a whole new level of appreciation that I'm proud to see. They aren't perfect by any means.. Let's be real, if I took them out today and offered to buy the hottest toys - they'd take em! But the foundation is there and its a good start.
We have asked ourselves - when they are grown and in college, will they remember how many gifts they received for their birthday or Christmas 2011?? UM NO! I bet if we asked them - they probably don't remember what they got last year!! But they will remember having a secure upbringing and a paid for education!!
And I'm sure some of you may have noticed a slow down of fabric and projects for me. Unfortunately, fabric falls into the "want" category. I know... I know.. Its a fine line. But it had to be drawn.
So with all that said - I'm happy to say that after hard work and a lot of prayer, I have finally found a job in my career field. I will be a Systems Analyst in Clinical Research beginning in July. YAY!!!!
But our family has pledged to ourselves that we will continue our new way of thinking. And we won't save for a rainy day.. But rather for rainy YEARS!!
And we will continue to pray for other families who are suffering along with families who think "that won't happen to us! We have a savings and we have secure jobs". Because guess what.. Your savings needs to last longer than 6 months and no job is secure in these troubled times. It's getting worse.. not better. Let's not fool ourselves people!
And now I will step down from the soapbox. If you are still reading.. thank you for listening to me.
But before I let you go.. I want to say that I will be taking a little blogging break. Not a long one though - I will be back for the July Friday Night Sew-In on July 22nd. (July also happens to be the 2 year anniversary of the FNSI and Bobbi and I are planning a celebration to mark the milestone. So stay tuned)
During this small break from the blog I am planning to maximize my time as a "stay at home mom" and focus 100% on my boys and my home before I become a working mom again!
I appreciate all of you and love having this blog. I read each and every comment! Enjoy your summer, or winter for you across the equator, and I will see you in a month!
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2 days ago
Congratulations on your new job... how exciting for you!
And how WONDERFUL that your children are learning such important values now... good on you and your DH!
I agree with you that this is the time to focus on your kids before you start working again!
Enjoy your blogging break... we'll be here when you get back!
A very thought provoking post. Thanks. I'm sure you are proud of your children. They will thank you someday.
Congratulations on your new job Heidi - and also on teaching your kids some very important lessons, which will make their lives much richer (in the non-material sense) in the future. You're doing a great job!!
Looking forward to seeing you back in July!
Congratulations! On several levels. It sounds like your kids "get it." Enjoy your time with them as you prepare to go back to working outside the home.
Cheers, K
Congratulations on your new job! I commend you for taking the time off to spend with your kids and for teaching them the right things. Best of luck to you and we'll be here when you get back!
Congrats on your new job! What a relief!
You and your husband should feel very proud that you used this situation as a way to make your family stronger, not tear you apart! Enjoy your time with your boys!
You go girl!!! Congratulations and I know you count yourself lucky.
Congrats on your new job!
I really like this post. I've been trying to do the same with my boys, too. We had lots of practice when I was on maternity leave which led up to the big event...I just got laid off. Perhaps I will get called back. In the meantime I will enjoy every moment I have to spend with the kids. And thank God I have a humogous stash to keep me sewing! Thanks for the post, Heidi and enjoy your break!
Haha and the word verification is "chill"...I guess that's what we all need to do.
I totally agree with you. My husband is in construction, that area has hit hard a couple of years ago, so our savings was gone long ago. Through Gods grace we still have been able to make it. The work is not study. It is a very scary time right now for us. My husband is also in school, so praying God has a better job waiting at there for him. Planning for long term, as well as short term is smart. Teaching your children this lesson is even smarter. That is something as a homeschool mom I've been tring to do. I'd say good luck but I don't believe in the good luck fairy. Blessings and prayers be with you. :-)
You just said what I have been thinking. I have been using my stash this year and stretching it to the limit. Things are very tough and we too have been asking is it a need or a want...Life is so different when you purchase needs only and really think about wants. Congrats on your new job and thanks for voicing what I've been thinking and living for quite some time! Enjoy your break...and we will see you again on July 22!
Congratulations on your new job.
Enjoy your blog break and have lots of fun with your 2 sons.
Congrads on your new Job!! I am an avid believer that "good things comes to those who wait". Have a nice time with your children. They will be adults before you know it!!!
What good news to hear that you have a new job, congratulations! Enjoy your time with your children, I'm lucky to be able to be with mine, and love every minute of it.
Congratulations on the new job!
It is great your children are learning such valuable lessons.
Congratulations on your new job! And I loved your post. Enjoy your family.
Well said, congratulations on the upcoming job enjoy your boys.
Good luck, Heidi. You know it is the right decision to stop and enjoy the time with the boys. We will miss you and will look forward to your posts.
Congratulations on the new job! Enjoy your time with your boys and you may find some good ideas here for next time you need to have 'deep pockets' or pinch a penny. There's also ideas that can be used any time and some great recipes.
Congrats on your new job! And your positive outlook during bleak times. Enjoy the last of your time off.
Good for you - for setting values and planning for future, for acting responsibly, for instilling these values in your children and for the new job! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations on all you have learned, and particularly on your new job. We, too, have had tight times...make that VERY tight times, but it is all good. Like you, we have learned a lot and become closer. Again, congratulations and we'll see you in July.
Congratulations on your new job- a relief and a blessing. Funny though isn't it how good things can come from bad. Have a wonderful time with your family. Happy stitching.
i wish you well heidi in your new job.And what a great post you wrote its gets one thinking,you are so wise for one so young.See you in a month Heidi,take care.oxxo
Fabulous news that you've got a great job starting soon!! Congratulations and enjoy the time with your boys.
Congratulations on your new job. That's great news. This was an uplifting post. I'm having to scale back on my wants and it is good to know I will survive! (I knew that - I just need reinforcement from time to time!)
It is a great thing to teach the children these values when they are young. You will reap the rewards of this in the future, I am sure.
Good luck and enjoy your family.
I know exactly what you are talking about when talk about wants and needs, we are there ourselves now. As for the fabric, that is why I am 98% sewing from my stash only for all of 2011, because the sewing and quilting is what is keeping me sane, keeps me relaxed and it isn't costing me anything for the most part. I bought this huge stash 10 years ago. When I do need something to finish a project, I keep it as small a purchase as possible, and only buy it on sale, 50% off is great. I only buy thread when it is 50% off and only if I am OUT.
As for your kids, they will remember and they will be much better off as adults than you or your husband are now. We see this in our girls, our 19 yo, has almost $20,000 in the bank still lives at home, so she can save more money, she is my personal banker, when we can't pay the electric bill or something. I am glad we started teaching them right when they were only 8 and 10.
Keep your chin held high, we can't always hang out on the bottom of the sea, we do need to bob up top for a short time just to breathe.
Heidi enjoy your family time. Congratulations on your new job. You will be missed. I love to read your blog.
Congratulations Heidi! I understand this MN job market. Enjoy your family time.
Congratulations on the new position!!!
Congratulations on the new job!! I read till the end... thanks for the uplifting post.
Excellent news! I love your post. You've given your children wonderful gifts by teaching them valuable life lessons. Those gifts will benefit them, and their children. Congratulations on a job well done and the new job!
Heidi, we have lived most of our lives like this and I think are the better for it. Your children will always remember this life lesson in the future. Both my children own their own homes(or at least part of them!!) and I know it was because of what they saw growing up.. Good luck with the future, and have a lovely
Glad to here you have found a job.
Our kids have grown up with getting four Christmas gifts a year (three from the parents, and one from Santa), and one major birthday present, which is generally more of a "need", like a bike (gently used, not new.)
I've found despite the "lack" of material things (no gaming system, cable, itouchs, ereaders, or anything more than prepaid cells for us), my children don't complain about not having enough toys. They complain about not having enough of my time.
Congratulations on the new job!
I grew up having only what I needed and not too much. But we took wonderful family vacations every year. That's what I remember most. And we always had much less toys than our friends, but plenty of food and a very nice stable home.
Congratulations on your new job! My DH was out of work for 1 1/2 years and it is tough! Now my daughter and fiance are looking for work as college graduates and are struggling to find something. Enjoy your last few weeks as a SAHM with your boys!
Heidi what a great post. Really enjoyed reading it. Seems your boys have learnt some good values.
Good luck in your new job.
Have a wonderful time with the family and will Sew with you again in July.
Beautiful message in your post today. Focusing on what's really important can be tough, but so rewarding!! Congrats on your new job... enjoy your time off, and looking forward to seeing you again on the FNSI night!!
Enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. So true! I took out an old BOM UFO instead of buying new fabric just last week. It felt good. Congrats on the new job and enjoy every moment with the kiddos! Enjoy that fabulous garden you showed us a few posts back too! :)
It is amazing what we learn in those "bad" times. I have been blessed with a little part time job at home and I am taking that money and saving it because we didn't have that income before. I love the fact that you are going to take this time and be with your children. Congrats on the job. By the way, I just now posted my FNSI. I did crochet that night but just now posted after I finished my project. I am not too organized. ha! Have fun! Looking forward to the next FNSI!
Congratulations on the job! I had a short but frustrating job hunt and ended up taking a job 100miles from home. We too have learned to live on less as were a one income family for 3 years (while I finished school). Kids learn lifelong lessons from times like these and it sounds like your boys adjusted well! I look forward to reading more from you!
What fabulous news! Good for you. Are things looking better for jobs in the USA? I thought I heard it was still scary. I am very happy for you.
Enjoy your break, see you on July 22nd!
I hope you got my email with my snail mail? I had not heard back from you, but now I understand its because you were working on getting this fantastic job! Congrats again.
Congrats on the new job!!!
Congratulations on the new job!!! Hope you enjoy your time off with the boys and we'll all still be here when you get back!
Congrats on finding a new job! Enjoy your last bit of time with your kiddos at home! Blogging can wait!!
What a wonderful blog...and congratulations on your new job. I am sure your children will remember these times, and they will appreciate you even more. You will be surprised as they grow up and eventually have a family of their own - how much they do remember. We will be here when you return:)See you on the 22nd
Congratulation on the new job!!! Great news!!! I loved reading this post and for sure - in these days you never know how long you will keep your job. Its the same here in Germany, 2009 was a absolulty horrible year for the economy. End of 2010 were ok and so 2011 but the consumption is still not what it was before 2009. I never got what I wanted and I´m happy about that and the fact that I was raised to have an eye on my money and think about what I will purchase like you said "needs" and "wants". Enjoy your time with your family
A very wonderful and heartfelt post Heidi. You have learned a wonderful lesson as well as your family and I am over the top happy for you that a new job has come your way. Big hugs to you and your family. Enjoy your mom time with your boys!
Hey Girl, do whatcha gotta do for you & your biological family first before you take care of your blog family. For those that are here because we want to be, we ain't going nowhere. Just come back when you are ready. Sometimes we all need a break! I am starting a new job very soon too and understand about the money part, haven't had a job in half a year as well.
Congratulations on the new job!
Congratulations on your new job. So wonderful that it is in exactly the position that you are trained for.
Enjoy your stay at home Mom time. It is so valuable as they grow up too fast.
Will be joining you for FNSI in July.
Karen W. in S.W. Ohio
Way to go on the new job. It is a nice time for you and the kids while you are getting ready for the new job. Enjoy!
Congrats on your new job. It is encouraging to hear of you and others being hired.
Heidi - Congratulations! My husband lost his job over a year ago now and although he finds work where and when he can, my job is it for us too. I work in the Energy banking field and although that sounds impressive, I am just an Executive Admin/Office Manager. I count our blessings everyday while my sweet man counts our is something we both remember our parents doing and it has served us well. You are teaching you children how to live more abundantly without all the abundance. Good for YOU!!!
I love your blog, and I will be here waiting. Take your time - I SO get it!!! Oh, email me your addy...I have something to send you.
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