Saturday, January 9, 2010

Handmade by Heidi - the Shoppe!

Well, I've finally taken the leap. I opened a store on Etsy.

Many of my friends and family have been after me to do this and I finally did it.

I still have some cosmetic changes that need to occur - but for now it's up and running.

So go on.. check it out.

Handmade by Heidi Pin It


Val said...

Good for you! I would love to do that one day but I have to get busy and sew, don't I? Ha! Congrats! That is something to proud of.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Congratulations! I just checked it out and you have very, very nice items in your shop. Best of Luck!

Unknown said...

WHOO~HOO!!!! good for you!! I have had a banner and an empty store for one have inspired me to get in gear!!! Congrats!!

Needled Mom said...

Way to go. Good luck!

Bobbi said...

WAY TO GO HEIDI!!!!!!!!!! im proud of you! i might have to buy that goofy doll. LOL

Angie said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Good Luck!
I have checked it out and will come back again...

Thearica said...

Congratulations on opening your shop! I wish you the best of luck! I plan to open one this year as well!

Maria said...

Congratulations and hope it goes really well for you.