Monday, January 17, 2011

January Friday Night Sew-In.. Signups finally here!

Boy oh boy... January has FLOWN by this year! Bobbi and I were just talking and can't believe that the next FNSI is just days away!!

We are so ready for the Sew-In this coming Friday!

So if you are as excited as Bobbi and I and want to participate in the Friday Night Sew-in this month.. add your name to the list below!

If you are new and need to know how it works.. here are the details:

1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.

2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.

3. On Friday – 01/21/2011 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine.. and sit down to work on some of those projects.

4. Then, sometime on Saturday - publish a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. There is a FNSI group on Flickr if you haven't already joined. Totally optional.

And finally - on Sunday 01/22, we will enter all participants into a drawing for the GIVEAWAY!! Bobbi will be drawing the winner this month and sending the lucky person a box of goodies!

Pin It


Tina said...

Number 2? Wow, usually i'm like one of the last to sign up!

For once I have tons of projects to work on, and tons of inspiration to work from!


Rachel said...

Hurray! I was hoping you'd bring the FNSI back! Count me in - I've got LOADS of projects to work on this year :)

mickey said...

I've never tried a FNSI but I was determined to do so this year-- so here goes! Hopefully by Saturday I will figure out the link to Flickr part!

Becca Quilts said...

I'm in :-). I've got a 3 of my 5 January goals left to do still, so I've got plenty to keep me occupied.

heleen said...

This will be first FNSI. I'm looking forward to it.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Can't wait! Already told the husband he has the kids for the night.

Judy said...

Count me in! I really need to get my signature stars done. I have all the fabrics cut out - just need to get them together!! That's my plan for Friday!

Anonymous said...

woooohoooo sewing in

Kat said...

Hooray! I was waiting for you guys to post this! I'm actually hosting a LIVE FNSI this month!! You're helping me get back in touch with old friends!

RobynLouise said...

Oh yay, I've been organising my to-do's into bagged lots so I can just grab and sew.

pinsandneedles said...

I'll be ready!

Musical Maggie said...

This is all new for me but I think it should be fun. Might even give me a boost to get going on one of my many projects waiting for me.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to post something on my blog about it?

Sarah C said...

I signed up but I doubt I will do much sewing as it is my birthday. Maybe I'll get a little in.

Jamie said...

I so hope this will work. I'll have to rent my older boys a video and pray that the babe will be happy! I can't wait to sew something!!!!

Becks said...

I love FNSI! It holds me accountable, something I desperately need. :o)

Melissa said...

Hi Heidi,
I'd love to join. I will add myself through Mister Linky in a few days if I can get my blog header to work. Right now, only half of it shows up. Ugh. I did join FNSI on Flickr as a back-up. But would rather also roll out a new blog :>) Will try! Sounds like FNSI is great fun!

Theresa said...

I missed the December ones so I'm looking forward to this :)

Impera Magna said...

I need something to hold my feet to the fire and finish up the current quilt top project... even tho I'll have to work Saturday morning b/c it's a snow make-up day.

deborah said...

I've got so much to sew and quilt before the big sale at my LQS on Super Bowl Sunday:)) That is the only way I can justify what I want to I'll be sewing and quilting all day Friday!

Brenda said...

I have joined you one time before and I enjoyed setting that time aside just to sew. I have a project that I am hoping to get done this week, so I will get ready to sew!

Denise :) said...

Yay! This works out perfectly -- my DH is on shift, so it will make a GREAT sew-in night! :)

Marybeth said...

Looking forward to it!!

sunny said...

I love FNSI. I always get so much done!

Patty said...

I am ready! I've got some FMQ lined up and the wine chilling!

Brandie said...

Can't wait!

SpencerFamily said...

Yay! Can't wait to get some sewing time!

Alice Grace said...

I so enjoyed the last FNSI! It got me back in the mood of sewing! Thank you both for your inspiration!

jamleft said...

From Janet
Yeah! I am glad that FNSI is here. I have several things to get completed and off the cutting table. It is going to be slow cooker day for me so I can get out of the kitchen early.

Jess in Progress said...

So I promise I will actually get something done this time :) Pregnancy has been getting the better of me for a few months but I really want to work on some unfinished projects after I moved my sewing room from what is going to be the baby's room this week.

Cheryll said...

So glad to have AnOtHeR excuse to go sewing!!! yeh !!! :)

Janet said...

It seems like it has been a long time. I'm looking forward to Friday.

Crafty Maine Mom said...

The best part about FNSI is that I get motivated to finish at least one project. I have a bunch of Bee blocks that i really need to get done.

Thanks for hosting this. :)

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I read about your sew-ins last month. I really wanted to join you; but, because I was delivering the newspaper at 2:00 in the morning, bedtime was 7:00 pm. I no longer work that job.

I get to join you this month. I'm so excited. I just had my machine repaired. I don't even know what I'm going to work on yet. I guess I have a couple of days to figure it out.

God bless you all!


Tricia said...

This will be my first Friday Night Sew In. I'll be cross-stitching!

Kimberly Mason said...

Hooray for FNS!

Sandra said...

Looking forward to a productive evening!

marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Oh Goodie!

Jacque. said...

YAY for FNSI!!

Marj said...

I am number46, wish that was my age. I'm looking forward to sewing with everyone on Friday!

PinkGranny said...

I happened on your blog and thought what a great way to get a couple of UFO's finished! This sounds like a lot of fun.

Lis Harwood said...

Looking forward to FNSI. I'll be working on my to do list - a sampler quilt that needs quilting! I've done 4 out of 20 blocks so far so roll on FNSI. I must try not to get chocolate on the fabric though.

Madelyn said...

It's a new year. Time to get back into the swing of things. Happy sewing.

Teresa said...

Looking forward to Friday.

Mama Spark said...

I am really looking forward to this sew in. I will be over at my BFF's place for the day and part of the evening. Thanks for hosting!!

Quilt n Queen said...

Looking forward to accomplishing LOTS of stitching with my BFF...Mama Spark.....

Wendy said...

I kept seeing people posting about the FNSI and kept checking your blog - nothing! It must have crept by me!!

Christie describeHappy said...

Excited to have FNSI back again! I have two or three big ideas that could use some attention for sure!

And this would be . . . . said...

So excited to be doing this again!!!

lenoirdenantes said...

I always look forward to FNSI! It is so much fun to know that others are sewing along with me.

My project this month is to finish the Penguin quilt top for my coworker. I plan on tieing it rather than quilting it.

If there is time after that I need to make a vest to celebrate Valentines Day.

Karen W. in S. W. Ohio

Kttycat said...

I'm primarily a cross stitcher but i'm going to join in and make Friday nights time with my sewing machine. I've had a quilt sitting partly done in my sewing box for a few months now.

Anonymous said...

I haven't done a FNSI for some time now. I have a bag I need to work on a bag for a flickr group.
We are doing an Amy Butler Style Stitches Challenge.

LittleBook said...

I can't believe this snuck up on me this month! I need to pay better attention!

Ashley and Jason Faucett said...

It's been awhile, so I'm up for it again! I've missed it!! :)

Jenny said...

Hi there

I have heard about this group and I am really excited to join you all.

dianne said...

i'm commenting for Melissa and for me - we're both on!

michelle said...

Yeah! I cant wait til friday. My dd is staying the night with a friend so i'm takin over her room. It's warmer than my sewing room. Been washing fabric to prepare. Cant wait.

Teresa said...

To quote my son's fav TV character SpongeBob, "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready....."
Can you tell what we've watched TOO much of lately?
Yes, I am gathering UFO's. So a Friday night sew-in is what I need. Count me in!

Toni said...

My December plans fell through with unexpected company and events :( So, this Friday is ON!! I'll be sewing all night! Need some chocolate!

Stacey McMillan said...

Just what I need, some motivation to finish those bits and pieces!

Blu Stitcher said...

I love knowing that others are stitching with me. tysm for hosting this.


Unknown said...

I finally got to working on some sewing this week. I'll be sewing some more on Friday. Just in time to join in!!

Mavis said...

Yay! A sewing evening and a nice treat to end the week. Here's hoping for enough energy Friday to sew. I have lots of UFOs to finish so I have lots to choose from.

Shannon Meyer said...

Think I'll give this a try, maybe I can get a little quilting done:)
Shannon M

Narelle said...

I'm definately ready for some FNS ... just posting about it on my blog now.

Debbie J said...

I plan to make Christmas gifts during FNSI each month this year. Thanks!

Dresden Quilter said...

Looking forward to catching up on some projects.

Deb said...

Lots of UFO's to work on this time. I'm hoping to have a stack of finished projects by the end of the night!

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

Yeah! FNSI I can't wait, I have plenty to do, let's see what I work on :)

Vicki said...

So much to sew. This will give me a kick start on a Friday night.

The Modern Lady said...

Super excited for another Friday night sew in!

Down to Sew said...

Oh boy! What shall i work on this time?? I have plenty of options!

Cheryl said...

So excited, I'm not going to miss this month. And thankfully for you I have learned how to cut and paste the URL! Can't wait till Friday.

Kate said...

Oh boy, finally a Friday night I can play along! I've wanted to participate for a while, but always had something else going on. But not this week! I have lots of projects to work on.

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

What a great idea! No more excuses for having my projects sitting around, undone :)
I'll be posting about this tonight. Thank you!

Liz said...

Am so looking forward to my first FNSI.

Comfort Cove Designs said...

I have a few things to work on Friday night. I can't wait to start! This will be my first FNSI.

Quiltingly Yours

sophie said...

There must have been a lot of resolving to join FNSI--I'm number 100! Friday night is the first meeting of a quilt class for me--so I know I'll be sewing.

Unknown said...

I couldn't wait to join this year...My Homie, Suzan from The Reluctant Quilter suggested I join. I don't know what I will be working on yet, but I am excited none the same!!

Anonymous said...

Fun! Friday is the start of my UFO group's weekend anyway, and the night I usually chat with my stitching buddies. Now I can add more fun to the mix!

Karen said...

This will be my first FNSI. I'm excited as I have lots of UFO's needing finishing.

Jennifer Rutherford said...

Need this really bad!!! i have not been in my sewing room except to drop stuff off for almost 3 weeks!!!!

Wandering Minstrel said...

I'm so excited to join in!

Roberta said...

I was planning to sew anyway. What a great way to spend a cold winter night!

kayerj said...

I'll be working on my grandson's blessing outfit.

Melanie said...

I have never done a Friday Night Sew-in before, but I was determined to this year! I have one very important project that I must finish soon, so that's what I'll be working on! Thanks for hosting!

Dandelion Quilts said...

Thanks ladies for hosting...

Stephanie said...

I'm in! I haven't done a Friday Night Sew-in in forever so I can't wait!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh thank you for hosting. It's always fun to do the Friday Night Sew-in!

Anonymous said...

I hope to work on and finish some of my UFO's. FNSI is a good motivator for me.

Three Birds Inspired said...

I am really looking forward to sewing with everyone on Friday night!

Anonymous said...

Now this is an idea whose time has arrived! thanks for getting this together! see you all tomorrow night! ktj

The domestic Groove said...

First time for me. I am so excited! I am going to make some pillowcases!

Susan said...

Want to thank you for hosting these sew ins. I sign up I forget to post about it the next day or so. I don't sign up and I post!. I am going to get it in the right order some day. lol Thanks again!

Melissa said...

I'm a first timer, but anxious to sew with you all! Thank you! I've sandwiched a quilt tonight and hope to start the quilting tomorrow!

Wonky Girl said...

Geeze, how did I miss the post about the sew-in? Oh well, better late than never.

sophie said...

Wow! I can't believe how long this list is becoming. It's fantastic--think of all the creative energy that will be flying around the atmosphere when we all start quilting Friday night!

Jody Herbert said...

I'll participate in this great idea again - so count me in!

Orcsmom said...

I am so excited, this is the first time for me to join. I guess I kept getting jealous of Kim and Gran having so much fun, so I am in!! Hugs!!


Mistea said...

I'm home early and I have some goodies to finish for the collection for those affected by flooding in Queensland. Great to be here.
Thanks for hosting.

Joan said...

I am sewing my table everyone is keeping me company ... its evening almost here, and most of you will be sewing through my night :)

Joan said...

Silly me got my 1st name bit for my blog wrong - so I have corrected it now...hopefully it will wokr,

Kay Lynne said...

Looking forward to getting more projects done!

angie.a said...

Perfect idea to get me back in the groove after the holidays! Thanks!

Silverthimble said...

I will be joining you tonight - first time for me on the official "Friday Night Sew In".

Salem Stitcher said...

First time joiner! I can't wait!

Susan said...

I'm going to be working on a cross stitch project, Snow House, from the Anniverseries of the Heart by Blackbird Designs. Maybe I'll sew a pillowcase, too. This time, I'm planning to actually take a picture of my work to show all of you!

OliveStreetStudio said...

Yay! I've already told husband that I'll be in FNSI tonight. And I have 2 projects on the docket!

Satu said...

Hello,...almost forgot to sign up... BUT I'm in tonight!!! I'll spend my evening with 'MON AMI'. See you on Saturday on my blog;)

Mary Anne Drury said...

This is the push I need every month (could you turn it up a notch to a swift kick in the pants every month?!?!?) to make some progress on my pile o projects!!! (as in last year's Christmas stuff....sheesh!!!:)

Miss Linda said...

I will be joining you for my first Friday Night Sew-In. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you for organizing this.

I can't wait to see everyone's progress on their lovely projects!

Cathy said...

What a great idea. I am going to finish my Roll Roll Cotton Boll quilt top.

Kristie said...

Oh no, I almost forgot about it being tonight! I'm very excited and I will be working on BINDING!

Deb said...

This is my 2nd Sew-In, and I'm hoping to get a lot done on my postage stamp quilt-along. I need lots of strips cut tonight and sewn for blocks before Monday. Thanks for the Sew-In.

Chele said...

This will be my very first sew-in and I'm excited. I've only committed myself to do two things tonight. Frankly I'd be happy to accomplish one of them before I fall asleep at the sewing machine. LOL Looking forward to seeing what everyone will be working on.

Marj said...

I'm ready to sew!

Cheryl Willis said...

150 that going to be the lucky number right? I see a lot of my friends are sign in so this is my first offical sign up, normally I just do it in my head! cw

Regina said...

Nearly forgot to sign up! Woo Hoo!! Can't wait to get home - turn on my HEATER next to my sewing machine -and SEW SEW SEW (low of like 4 tonight here!)

Melinda said...

Yesterday I counted my UFOs and PIGS and realize I really need to be participating tonight. It will be fun to read about what others accomplish.

Kate said...

I cleaned up my sewing room and will be working on a new quilt for my eldest daughter.

Melanie said...

This is my first ever FNSI! I can't wait!

snowlady said...

This is my first FNSI. This will be lots of fun.

Farm Girl said...

I have been looking forward to one. I am so excited!

Terri in BC said...

Woo-hoo! I have a list of projects to sort out, so it will be a good, good night!

Ellen said...

I am so excited - this will be my first Fri Night Sew In. I have everything ready to go. I just need to figure out how to get the FNSI blog button on my blog????

Unknown said...

I am a bit late in joining. But I am here!

Jacque. said...

I was sure I had signed up a few days ago, but couldn't find my signed up again...and then found my name. oops!

Angie said...

Just posted my FNSI:

My sea turtle project is almost finished!!

Madelyn said...

Happy Saturday everyone! I posted my Friday Night sew in projects here:

Happy sewing, quilting, stitching, scrapbooking, knitting, etc. :-)

Candi said...

This should be a lot of fun, I need that extra boost once a week. Thanks for having me and Happy Sewing!

Kelsey said...

Woot! Took me three sew-ins to actually get my results post up on Saturday itself lol.

The Speckled Hen said...

Yay! This is like Weight Watchers for Quilters. I love it and I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. I need the kick in the pants to destash and complete UFOs.