Another month has FLOWN by!! Where has this summer gone? I guess all the new job activities on top of keeping my family happy, clean and fed has wiped me out! We also adopted a new doggie (more on him later). AND - I haven't told you, but I quit the first new job and accepted another one instead. It is a much better job working for someone I worked with in AZ for many years. And since it's based out of Arizona that means that I get to work out of my house!! Which will be great this winter and is great for my family. I started this 2nd new job last Monday.
Anyway - let's get to the sign-up for the next Friday Night Sew-In. It is right around the corner.. less than a week away. And I completely plan on sewing something fun this time.
If you need to know how the FNSI works.. click the link above. Otherwise just add your name to the list and start preparing for some F.U.N.
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My Temperature Tree ..
20 hours ago
Afternoon, I will be ready for the FNS!
Yay love FNSI! Just have to hope I can get to my sewing stuff! Fingers crossed :)
I've spent this entire week moving everything from my last 2 job assignments into my new classroom...Friday night I am sitting and stitching and nothing else! I'm so glad you have this..what a great excuse to sew!
With all the business of my daughters wedding I have not even bothered to sign up in a couple of months. Hopefully nothing comes up for the 19th that I do not know about.
I'm in the middle of painting the house and looking after my best friend who has just had a major surgery. The FNSI couldn't happen at a better time as I really could use some one on one time with my sewing machine!
Cant wait to join in again :)
I really, really hope that this time I'll be able to actually participate. I have several projects to work on, so that won't be an issue. Now I just need to sit down and actually do it next Friday!
Looking forward to it!
My to do list is long, so I'm happy to have the FNSI come along to help out :)
Looking forward to FNSI this Friday. I just have to decide what to work on this time round.
Looking forward to this month's FNSI! So many UFOs... but I think I know what I'll be working on this coming Friday evening!
Looking forward to it!
My new baby girl is just two weeks old yesterday & I am hoping that by next Friday, I will be feeling up to sewing once again! The FNSI might be just the motivation I need to get back in front of one of my sewing machines. Hope to have something fun to share with you all...
I've been too busy re-doing my bathroom to sew---it's time for some fun!
Can't wait!
Sounds like you've had a busy time... Congrats on the new job. Hope all is going well with that.
looking forward to my FNSI ;-)
So much to be done. I am going to work on some pillowcases for my kids! Christmas goodies!
Time to do some Christmas things I think!
Really looking forward to it Heidi, hope it works out!!
Hi Heidi looking forward to my FSNI. Just love it.
Thanks to both Bobbi and you for running it.
Missed last months FNSI sew I am sew ready!
I missed last month's since I was on vacation. Really looking forward to Friday.
I was on vacation during last months as well. I have all the blocks ready to complete 3 quilt tops so here's to hoping for a very production night this Friday.
I have been out of the loop in the last few months--back on track and can't wait for FNSI before I go back to work! Let's see what I can get done.
Looking forward to getting some work done on my pinwheel quilt
Looking forward to it! I'm going to finish some gifts! =)
that's great about your job, Heidi! look forward t Fri night - I actually have a friend coming over and we'll sew together and she's spending the night since my DH will be out of town. real girl's night!
Came across your blog through a linky party. So glad I did! This will be my first Friday Night Sew-In. 'Sew' excited!!
Can't wait! Congrats about the job and the puppy!
Excellent! I am IN!
I'm looking forward to another FNSI I just hope I remember to do it haha. I have a lot of projects in the works. Thanks for hosting it.
I just got all of the fabric I need to make a quilt for the wedding of DH's oldest nephew - the wedding is Sept. 24th, so I'm thinking I'd better start the quilt soon!
I'm sure hoping to participate!! I have stuff on the list TO DO!!!
I will definately be sewing Friday! My friend Carole is having a girls sewing day at her house Friday, and I will be there. I hope to continue my sewing into the evening when I get home, too.
Woot woot, I love FNSI!! Thanks for putting this one again =)
Just in time! Looking forward to seeing everyone's projects :)
My first time and looking forward to it! :-)
I'm looking forward to Friday night and thinking what I can do.
So looking forward to the FNSI - just perfect because I´ve started a new project.
I already don´t know what I will do - maybe finishing my project from last month FNSI? We´ll see...
I'm ready!!! Thanks Ladies!
I need to get my sewing mojo back!! I, too, will work on something fun- a bag pattern with Kaffe Fassett material that I picked up at the Vermont Quilt Festival!!
I am looking forward to it :)
I'm in! Now to choose projects to work on, woooooooooohoooooooooo!
Girl time!! YEAH!!!
Yeh...I missed last month because I was on vacation. Love these FNSI's. I get so much done. Hugs
I couldn't join last month so I think I'll make time for this month's sew in.
very new to this but it may be a good time to finish up my daughter's monkey pillow.
Girls are away and just hubby home. I hope my sewing space can be set up by then. I will be getting all my block committments caught up.
Looking forward to some time spent in the sewing room. Thanks for being my motivation! :D
I'm ready for the FNSI, I had to miss the last one and it was the first one I've missed. I had other responsiblities and just couldn't find the time to sew and play. I'm looking forward to Friday!
Perfect timing, looking forward to this.
I'm in! I'm in! I plan to finish a jumpsuit I've been working on (Vogue 1249) and if I really work hard, start a muslin for a dress.
PS - Life can be so funny. After a bumpy year, it looks like you've really come out on top - congrats on the new new job!
Need to finish my son's ragged blanket for his dorm room. Wish me luck! Is it sewing when you are clipping away with ragging shears?
Love the FNSI, I can get so much done when I am organised for a night of sewing.
I can hardly wait!!!
My first FNSI!! I can't wait till friday!!
Since I already have something in progress, maybe I can finish it Friday night!
I have a busy weekend to prepare for (ladies retreat) but I should be able to get in a couple of hours of work this FNSI! Fingers crossed!!
I'm hoping to get lots done this Friday - can't wait!
I just stumbled into this, but I am most DEFINITELY coming to this party! So glad to bump into you. Your newest follower would love to be followed back. Otherwise, have a great week and see you Friday!
Can't wait. Just need to decide what to work on. I've been invited to a scrapbooking party for early in the evening, so it will be a fun night - with my two favourite activities!
Now I've done a load of UFOs I can start something new during FNSI :)
I can't wait until Friday! Just got back from quilt retreat and have tons of fun stuff to work on. Happy quilting everyone!
Signing up me & the MIL again this month. The plan: work on the blue&brown giftie quilt (finally).
I am so excited! This will be my first time doing this. What an awesome idea! Looking forward to seeing all of your goodies on Saturday!
I'm so ready to SEW!!
i'm commenting for Melissa AND for me - we're ready to NOT not stitch!
i can't believe it is that time already!
I am ready! I have so many projects swirling around in my mind that I need to work on!
I really look forward to these. Missed last month because I was on vacation. Already have Friday's project ready. A baby quilt. Hugs
I will be joining FNSI from Antwerp Belgium this month, so I will be in a different time zone from normal- great fun!! Thanks Heidi.
Will join in on Friday. Really happy for you on your new job. A simple suggestion---could you include the date of the FNSI in the signup post every month. Would be really helpful.
This will be my first FNSI, so hope I get it all sorted...all the way from New Zealand
Looking forward to it....though I've got to attend the neighborhood ladies Happy Hour first :)
This month just flew away. It's time again.but I already know what I'm doing this Friday night.
I can finally participate again. I have so much sewing to catch up on.
Looking forward to the FNSI!
This will be my first time participating! I can't wait! I defintely have a couple of projects to work on and already told boyfriend that I'm busy Friday night! Please check out my new blog: THANKS! :)
I am going to try. I am in Cape Cod but I got stitching stuff with me.
I guess I'm so excited that I signed up twice :) Sorry about that
Looking forward to FNSI....I just want to thing I will be doing for sure is finishing up a few more pillowcases for Carol to give to Jami. I've got 16 done and hoping for 20....would luv to fill the box....full...full....full!!
Yay Friday Night Sew in! Mum cant do it tonight but I will be!
I'm in! I'll be sewing my Marine son a wallet/cc holder and maybe making one more test of my new wallet pattern. I'm actually early for me on signing up and even posted it to my blog. Was that a pig I just saw flying by? ;-)
'See' you then!
This is my first time! Can't wait.
I'm in...see you in the sewing room!!
OK - silly me!! just found the place to sign in.
Congrats on the new job.
Looking forward to FNSI, I'm in need of a large dose of R&R.
it's tonight! I definitely have some sewing to do!
I have some leftovers from a wallhanging, so tonight I want to make a table mat.
Take a look tomorrow :-)
Hi Heidi!
I've been seeing the FNSI around the interwebs, and decided to join in tonight. I'm thinking an apron or two for a special occasion tomorrow, and I've got some skirts that need finishing.
Looking forward to tonight!
I plan on making a quilt from the first pdf pattern I have ever bought. It's called "Starry Night" and I plan to make it for my daughter's birthday next month. Her name is Esther which means "star." Hope I get a lot done tonight...I am cutting the pieces now while the kids watch "The Neverending Story" that movie!
I am joining in too! I have seen the button all over blogland but could not commit! But tonight's the night! I have a billion projects and need to get them going. Thanks for hosting this gathering!
This will be my first FNSI. I am looking forward to getting the binding on a quilt and see what everyone else gets done.
I'm joining the FNSI for the first time. I need some time to sew for me, but I won't get to until I make a pair of pants for DS the elder. So that's what I'm going to work on.
Debbie Cook's mentioned this before, but I've never signed up. Hopefully I'll actually get started on my dress, instead of putting it off, because end of summer is nigh!
I finally have to time do a FNSI! Yay for sewning time!
So much to little time...
I'm in! I have to make the ring bearer pillow for my childhood friends wedding - next Saturday! OH - procrastination is my friend. g
Better Late than never! The day of...the night of...and I just now sign up!!!
off to sew! see you tomorrow!
It's been a busy summer. Time to enjoy sewing again!
forgot to leave a comment though I was #49 to sign up! Working on my niece's quilt tonight.
I'm having a great time tonight! ;)
Friday Night Sew In turned to Friday Night Prep-In but I'm very excited about the dress I started. I will be dying fabric for the first time.
I sewed last night (even got a finish!) No pics up yet but they're coming!
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