I've been stippling the baby quilt and my thread keeps breaking. I've changed the needle more than once and I've also changed my upper thread (the one that keeps breaking). I've used two different brands of thread.. both rayon. (which I've had success with before).. I had to walk away from it even though I'm almost done!
Don't you hate those moments!!
Maybe I need to use a stronger needle? I'm going to get back at it after dinner tonight because I just can't bring myself to go back in there at the moment!
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3 days ago
I use a bigger needle and sometimes if the thread is new, for some reason the first 10 or 15 minutes of sewing with that thread it breaks? Good luck!
I DO hate those moments!!! Especially with red thread!!
Deep breaths!
Rewind a new bobbin and rethread your machine like you are starting out new.....
good luck Heidi!!
definitely a bummer... hang in there. just think how awesome it will be when it's all done ;)
COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!! Hang in there I KNOW it sucks!
I use heavy needles all the time, because they work the best for me!
Good luck with it tonight!
We all feel your pain!! Hang in there Heidi!!!
Try cleaning the bobbin area. I had that problem once.
Do you have a quilting needle in your machine? Also check the tension. I assume you have taken the upper thread put and re-threaded.
I HATE it when that happens! As others have said, check your bobbin - remove it, clean the case, re-install. It sounds like you've tried rethreading and different upper thread already. Me, I always use topstitch needles - I have nothing by headaches with most others, and have the fewest problems with them, so try them.
Been there. Done that. If the thread keeps breaking, I take the thread completely out, along with the bobbin, and re-thread. Recently I was frustrated with quilting on my Bernina and decided to have it serviced. There was a spring broken inside the presser foot. Could there be a problem with your machine? Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
I was having this problem last week. It is so frustrating! It helped me to take the spool completely out of my machine and insert it again — I think maybe it was getting caught on something? Also, I adjusted my thread tension slightly.
Talk about annoying for sure. You probably have it all fixed and done by now. I would guess tension? or a bad spool of thread, it does happen.
Try a metallic or TOPSTITCH needle (I use Schmetz). The topstitch needle is made with a bigger eye to accomodate the multi-directions you make when quilting, and the metallic needles has a bigger eye as well, and I am told works well.
Good luck!
I read your comments, and someone mentioned taking the spool out of the machine and putting it back in. If you have a spool of thread that has the small slid where the thread sat on a new spool, it usually has the bar code on that end. If your spool pin is vertical, make sure the bar code is on top, as that the end the slit is on. If your thread spool is horizontal, put it to the right so the thread will never catch in that slit. I learned that a long time ago, and it helps.
If the upper thread keeps breaking it's more than likely your tension. Drop it a bit at a time until it all flows smoothly. Then just relax and enjoy it.
We ALL have those days. I'm glad that you're taking a break from it ... sometimes those frustrating problems become even more FRUSTRATING when we keep banging our head against the wall (or the sewing machine).
Relax and take a few deep breaths now and you'll be better able to diagnose the problem later.
I immediately thought of trying a different size needle. My second guess would be a tension problem because the rayon thread might be a little more slippery than cotton. Before the thread breaks, how do your stitches look?
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