Anyway, here is what I finished tonight... burp cloths made from cloth diapers.
I will be putting them in this diaper bag along with this receiving blanket and this quilt.
This is a pattern that I bought months ago and finally took the time to get all the supplies. The poles are PVC pipe (the guys at home depot loved me when I walked in with my list of measurements. I could see it in their eyes.. "Oh great, here comes another women with big ideas").
UPDATE: The pattern is by SewBaby and can be found here or at JoAnns. I purchased it at my local JoAnns. Sorry for not including that in the original post.
And lastly - here is a pretty picture from my backyard. We planted a hibiscus patio tree a couple weekends ago. It's looking so pretty. We un-officially planted them in memory of my Father in Law. (I say unoffically because I don't have a very green thumb and if I make it official - I'll feel horrible if the desert heat gets to it before me and the watering can do)
Became this....
I finished the quilt. It was a lot easier then I thought it would be. I'm still struggling though with how to keep the backing together with the front. And not getting any shifting in the fabrics when you quilt them. Arrrggghhhh!!! Maybe I'm going to need a class - but why can't I just figure this out on my own?!! Or maybe I need a different foot on my machine? Would a walking foot solve this problem? Hmmm.. need to do a little research on that.
Also, I'm planning to post my first turtorial this weekend. There I said it.. now I have to do it. It is for a reusable grocery bag. Super simple! Can't wait to share this with you.
But before I can start that - I need to make a super cute Diaper Bag for my friend Monica! I'm off to start cutting those fabs.