I've sewn so many pretty things for myself and others. I've kept my family fed.. ok, I know it hasn't always been something healthy - but sometimes that sewing machine just won't let me go and quick meals are needed.
I've kept my house clean.. yeah, ok.. this is a lie. But come on Big Guy.. I've got two boys, a husband, a dog and a cat. There is only so much I can do and still get time to sew.

So, Santa.. if you can find it in your heart to reward this hard working Mom.. I would really really love The Camping Under the Stars Quilt kit. I will even bake some extra special cookies for you on Christmas Eve!
Say "Hi" to Rudolf for me!!!
Merry Christmas!
Heidi (aka "The Worlds Best Mom")
(And if you don't believe me.. just ask my 10 yr old. Cuz he just told me that this morning. But hurry.. cuz he could change his mind at any moment)
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Hi. I borrowed your Mom's idea for the tea bags and blogged about it. Hope you don't mind. Made 30 to give to the ladies at the Bible Study potluck today. They enjoyed them and many were planning to hang them on their tree. Thank your Mom from me!!!
Very cute blog, think all mums are the best in their kids eyes! Well we have moments when they hate us.
Love this blog! Merry Christmas!
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