The signup for the May 20th Friday Night Sew-In is finally here!
Keep in mind - it's not this coming Friday.. it's May 20th!! I know how anxious everyone is and don't want to confuse anyone.
Bobbi and I are excited about the prize this month. We are giving away the new book by Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs called "3 Times the Charm". The book is from us.. but Barb and Mary have added 2 charm packs for the winner as well. YAY!!
If you are new and need the details on how the Friday Night Sew-In works.. click HERE for details.
Otherwise.. commit to some "ME" time and get your name on the list.
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3 days ago
Yay for FNSI! Hopefully I make a decent dent into my blue brick quilt.
I may not have the whole evening free, but hope to have a few hours anyway!!
Must, must get my mom's quilt done this time!!! So excited to be doing this each month.
I'm in, and certainly have enough projects to choose from. Thanks again for hosting.
Can't wait. I get the most done on these Fridays.
Ha ha, after a week of M.E. time I'm more than ready for some ME time and getting back to sewing. I'll be there.
Hope I don´t fall asleep or get taken out for dinner again :-))
Looking forward to it, hope I can catch up on some Civil War blocks.
Can't wait to use the time to work on my HST quilt.
I'll have a houseful that Friday night but will get some sewing in somehow...
I would like to get my third PhD for Myra's challenge finished.
Can't wait! Last month stuff got crazy and I didn't get the chance to join in, but this month I am already setting aside my projects to work on!
Can't wait! Have already let my husband know! Thanks for hosting.
I'm going to do it this time! I have several (too many) little things started. This will be a perfect time to tie up some loose ends. Thanks.
I just told my husband, and I got the green light (I love that he thinks he has a choice)! :)
Can't wait!
I'm still linked up from last month's sew in!!
woohoo! couldn't have been anymore perfect timing - DH is out of town! so bummed I missed Apr since we were on our cruise! looking forward to it!
Thank you for continuing to organize this each month!
If it's too cold to sew I'll crochet in front of the wood stove.
This is my first time with FNSI, moved away from a sewing group I used to host at my home, miss the interaction. New to blogging to so...... Thanks for hosting.
i'm in and can't wait! YAY! Thanks so much for doing this!!
Everything's lined up and ready to go - can't wait!
I can't wait. I need a night for sewing for ME. I've been hemming pants and skirts for friends, and working on a wedding quilt for another. So I'm looking forward to a ME night. Bring it on!
Thanks for hosting. This is my first FNSI too, and I can't wait. I haven't sewn an entire night away since my son was born 11 months ago!
I LOVE the FNSI! It will take me until the 20th to decide which of the umpteen UFO's I'm going to work on!
YAY! My favorite night of the month!
I am so far behind on projects, what a great excuse for some me time.
Looking forward to my first FNSI! Boy, that 'weekend' is going to be full - I have a 'Memoranza' full day of scrap-booking on the Saturday! Fun Fun Fun!!! Lots to plan for a couple of successful nights!
I can't wait, maybe I can talk my girlfriend into hasting it at her house?
Thanks for letting me enter. This is my first FNSI so excited thanks so much. I will get to work on my quilt for my mother It's going to be light green with some dark green and gray.
So EXCITED thanks so much!!!!
Wow where did that month go!!!
Mum and I will be on a quilting retreat that weekend, will have to get her to bring her laptop.
Can't wait. Sandra
well, baby is coming out into the world on the 26th of may - so i guess may be my last FNSI for a few months (she says hopefully!) thanks for organising as always
Looking forward to it as always. More colours blocks waiting to be made.
Yay! I cant wait to see what I can get done this time. Hopefully my baby sampler will be here by then. That will be fun to work on :-)
Again i entered. I hope to get a few things done this time.My civil war quilt is really in need of attention.
I have diarised. I WILL sew on Friday, 20th. :)
I'm booked in too...
sew see you all there! :)
I'm in again! For a couple of hours, anyway. I need to get down to my machine for a while. Too much handwork going on here lately... :)
Looking forward to stictching with you all.
Looking forward to another FNSI!
Ready for another FNSI! Thanks!
Looking forward to it!
So excited!! Thanks for getting us together each month!
Can't wait what a perfect birthday gift to myself!!
I enjoyed this last time and am looking forward to participating again! Thanks for hosting!
This looks like a fun --I really need to be forced to set time aside for sewing for myself and this will do'er
Yeah, I'm in this time. Forgot to sign up last month- crazy huh?
Hello Heidi and Bobbie,
Looking forward to a evening of sewing.
happy days.
Think I'll need the heater on to keep my fingers warm that night if today is anything to go by.
This will be my first participation in FNSI...looking forward to it. Thank you
As long as I do not have visiting grandchildren I plan to participate.
I'm a FNSI virgin. Can't wait for my first time!!!! :)
I have been so busy with our move and then getting the new craft room set up that I completely forgot about FNSI!!
I'll be joining unless something dealing with the kids comes up!!
Looking forward to it!!
Still working on last month's quilt - maybe I'll get it done this time!
I ha ve to work on a quilt block for a swpa. Hope i get it done. This is my first time in the Sew In and i am so excited!
I have to finish my swap goodies! Hope this will get me done with them!
Need to get a quilt done...will use this time to see what I can do with it.
I can't wait and do I have a stack to work on!!! :)
Thank you for hosting! I can't wait, I have a ton of projects to work on!
YIPPPPPEEEEE!! So excited for another FNSI. 80 people already signed up...that's amazing! Once again thanks to you and Bobbi for hosting!
This will be my first FNSI and I am looking forward to it! Perfect timing as my DH is taking DS and DD to the cottage for the weekend!!! Woohoo, the house to myself! :)
Hi Heidi
This is my first FNSI. Can't wait. I am making hexagons for the Vignette Hexagon Quilt so that will be my project. Happy stitching!!
I've got a couple of things in flight so much to choose from for FNSI. looking forward to it!
Can't wait for FNSI so I can make some progress on unfinished projects.
Let's see if I can actually get some sewing done this FNSI
I´m so excited! I already thaught about, what I want t sew! But I´m still unsure.
I am looking forward to my first Friday Night Sewing group! Thanks for opening this to so many sewers.
I'm hoping to finish at least one UFO - it's doable!
Getting it all ready for Friday Night Sew In next week. Honestly, I have a great time doing this -- thanks for the fun!
What a great prize! To bad I'm busy the 3rd I'm going to do a personal FNSI tomorrow night and hope everyone else has a great Sew-in on the 20th! Congratulation to whoever wins!
I love sew-ins!
I've got big plans to get a lot done. Lets hope so!!
Before blogger so unfortunately went down my daughter comes from her room very excited and tells me to sign up for the Friday Sew-in. Every day she has asked if I signed up. Finally today I could!
She signed up and wanted us to do it together. So veronica and I will be doing the sew- in together a mom and daughter night:) We have plans to work on a applique quilt that we are going to work together on. Thanks for the sew in opportunity!
Ann Flowers
Blogger is still eating comments - however in the World did we communicate before the Net?!?
I'm in for next Friday, too! This is the second time I've tried to comment, so hopefully this one will appear instead of DISappear.
This is just what i need to get me started again. am so glad i herad about it!!!
I am so glad that I remembered to check-in on signing up for the sew-in. I will be at my sewing machine working on getting some goals completed.
Me & the MIL are signed up again this month...she's working on a baby quilt, no idea what I'll be doing but it will be F U N ! ! !
Okay, hopefully third time is a charm! My first two attempts to post a comment were intercepted.
Anyway, I look forward to stitching with you all this Friday Night!
This is a goog way to catch up on all the UfOS around the sewing room.
Looking forward to FNSI, hope it comes quick!!
I am going to be working on a red & white quilt, and hoping to make up some bags.
Looking forward to it - thanks for organising it!!
This is my first FNSI!!! I am looking forward to it
I'm ready!
I will be working on my "Winning Hands" quilt top.
Very fun, I can't wait to see what every one works on!
Aha! Thank goodness for blogs! I didn't sign up last week because I thought it was for LAST Friday and I had plans. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was this Friday! Yeah!! I'm there!
hopefully i can get something done on my 9-patch.
I'm in! I have one baby quilt to finish, and a charm quilt to start. I'm looking forward to it!
This is my first Friday Night Sew in and I'm super excited!
Not sure what I'm going to work on, maybe one of my few quilts on the go or maybe something quick and fun for some of my girls.
I am completely excited to jump in. Looking forward to it!
I have my calendar marked, I will be sewing late since I work Friday night :( But I am looking forward to sewing when I get home!
Wow. I almost missed this!! I can't wait until Friday night!!!
I'm looking forward to participating. Thanks so much for hosting!
Can't wait to make some serious progress!
Yeah for FNSI!!! I have my project all ready!
Almost here! I have several projects lined up. :) I plan on getting a lot done. Happy sewing!
Goodness! I almost forgot! I'll be 'there' working on some sewing projects!
Oops I almost forgot too! Looking forward to it!
Am looking forward to an evening in my studio sewing!
My first FNSI and looking forward to it.
I swear I'm not going to fall asleep this time- I need this FSNI to finish up projects for the nursery :)
Looking forward to a night of sewing :)
Looking forward to it and I've started prepping so it's more successful than last time I participated.
I've had a day out with some crafty friends and I'm all ready for a quiet night in with some yarn, needles and hook. The cooler weather here has me knitting up a few cosy hats. I'll come back tomorrow to let you see what I got up to.
Thanks for inviting us to play.
I'm in just need to get those kids to bed now
Cheers Geniene
this months FNSI has crept up on me, but I'm home, and ready and raring to go. Yayyyyy Happy dancing all over my sewing room.
I've made my plans and I am all ready to go! Thanks for hosting.
I've participated once before back in the winter...but I have something to finish and tonight's Friday Night Sew In will be a good chance to get it done! I'll be binding a quilt that's been in the works for 25 years! It's about time! LOL!
I'm hoping to finish a's a beast of a quilt (king size)and stitch 2 twin backings together....wish me luck family from Canada are coming tonight and will visit until Monday.... the grandpeeps will keep me
Oh my gosh I almost missed this. I will be working on my doll quilt challenge for the Sacramento MQG. If I finish I may even work on some other things too.
Made it just in time! Now to figure out which project will be on tonight's schedule!! :)
This is my first time to link up! I'm looking forward to it! :-)
Looking forward to getting some serious sewing done tonight. Especially as I have an important deadline - need the quilt top ready to sign before the kids get out of school for the summer.
Cheers, K
Another fun Friday evening! I'm hoping to make some progress on a few things. Thanks so much for the opportunity to set aside some time to quilt :-)
WhooHoo! Time for another FNSI!! Thanks so much for hosting this.
This great!!!! I am so excited to join in, thank you!
Dear me i almost forgot, now i will be off to do some sewing! Thanks Heidi!
I am late home but smart me set things up before I left today. sewing sewing and sewing is on...this whole weekend. I am only coming out of the sewing room for coffee tea or water..oh and the bathroom
I'm a little late, but I participated and wanted to share with everyone!
I am another late one. I made a selvedge tote bag.
I had 2 friends over and we all sewed - I got 3 zipper bags done as part of a gift set I'm making, and my girlfriends got beautiful Kajsa Wikman/Scandinavian Stitches pillows done - it was a fun night!
I'm really looking forward to joining in on FNSI. It sounds like so much fun. Thanks for hosting it.
Mary at Fleur de Lis Quilts and Accessories
I really enjoyed last night's FNSI!!
I FINALLY got caught up a bit more.
I really enjoyed last month - when will the sign up sheet be posted for June?!
Sorry - I'm a bit of a keener lately! ;)
This is getting to be a habit I can really embrace! Had a great time last month and I am jazzed about June 17th!
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