Another successful FNSI has come and gone!
My night didn't start out well - I'll admit. I had a little clear plastic bag that was filled with some "notions" (ric rac etc) that I had planned to work with. I had come home on Thursday - plopped it on the kitchen counter and then dumped some mail on top of it. WELL - I think my husband tossed it in the trash. Of course - he has no recollection of this. But really - it's the only explanation cuz Lord know the kids don't clean - it's just him (once a month or so) and me. So, after about 30 minutes of searching every possible spot.. I gave up. $6 worth of goodies.. gone! But I picked myself up.. and moved on to project #2.
I had plans to get this section of my quilt top completely together.. but I only got about half way there.
I have the rows together - but my sashing with the mini pinwheels needs some tweeking before I sew it all together. I'm planning to work on that tonight.
I still plan to add another couple borders to the quilt. The first will be all white... then I'm doing a HST (half square triangle) border.. then another white.
So I starting marking all my HST's.
I'm not using the Missouri Quilt Co. easy tutorial I told you are about recently - because I am working with a charm pack and didn't want my HST's to be that small. But to speed up the process, I will be doing some chain piecing. Do you chain piece? I love chain piecing!
I'm hoping to have them all sewn and ready for laying out before the weekend is over. It's been rainy.. so my chances for success are good if it stays like this.
ALSO - I've decided to draw 2 lucky winners this month. So make sure you get your pictures posted today!
The first lucky winner will get this...
and winner # 2 will get this...
The book is from me and Bobbi - and the charm packs are from Barb and Mary of Me & My Sister Designs.
Did you make progress last night? Or did you get derailed?.. it happens to the best of us sometimes!
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3 days ago
I got derailed. A friend unexpected took me shopping and I didn't get home in time to get anything done! Bet laid plans and all that.
Love the look of the quilt, the borders are going to be terrific
I got derailed but I did do a little sewing... have made 2 pillowcases today and am now hand-sewing down quilt binding to make up for last night!
I actually got some sewing done - not as much as I'd like, but......
Now I'm trying to get my pics uploaded and my blog updated.
my results are posted.
Your quilt is gorgeous! I almost forgot about FNSI, but I leapt into action when I remembered and added a few more rows to my HST quilt.
Your quilt top is looking lovely! And oh yes, I love me some chain piecing!! I'll have to check that HST tute you shared here, I haven't seen it before. I managed to get a good bit of sewing done yesterday for my friday day sew-in, finished up the binding for two quilts. :)
That quilt is so cute! Thanks for hosting this again :) I made a tote bag and posted the pics this morning. Have a great weekend!
Your quilt is so cute, I love it!
Last night I got my son's teacher quilt done - yeah! As for chain piecing - is there any other way? If it weren't for chain piecing techniques and rotary cutters, I don't think I'd get any quilting done :)
I almost got derailed but got something done. Glad you found plan #2 to do. That quilt looks so happy!!
My sew-in time started later than I like, so I only got in two hours, but am happy with the results. Thanks for hosting each month. I really look forward to it.
Wow! Your quilt is fabulous. I've never been a great lover of sampler type quilts but yours is just so clean..fresh and modern I just changed my mind. Can't wait to see more of it.
Had a lovely... productive FNSI... got my photo's up to prove it.
I made progress which makes a change! I've ended up with lots of pinwheel blocks similar to yours! Got 4 done yesterday and then 3 more done later on today! I was very happy! I loving the bright colours of your pinwheels!!
Beautiful quilt so far :) Can't wait to see it finished! I got some stuff done that was on my mental to do list so I'm happy :)
I love, love, love bright quilts on plain white (or black) backgrounds! And the pinwheel cornerstones are a great idea. I posted my projects.
Thanks for hosting!
I love the brights in your quilt top.
My beautiful layered cake arrived thank you very much. I love it.
My sew in turned into a yarn in and I got lots achieved. Made a beanie for a certain little 4 year old whose party I am going to shortly - nothing like a deadline to ensure I stay focussed for five minutes. There was a little crochet thrown in there for good measure too.
Thanks for hosing.
Hi Heidi. I joined in for the first time on Friday night and I had a lovely evening. I am making hexagons for the Vintage Hexagon Quilt inpsired by Leanne Beasley, and it was a perfect project for the FNSI. Thanks to you and Bobbi for such a fun event. Can't wait for June!!
I made a bit of progress, but nothing to write home about! I love the colors in your quilt, very cheerful! Thanks for another great Friday.
I love your quilt top too... how could I not.. it's so ..well..pretty!
Yes I accomplished what I wanted at FNSI... thanks again for hosting!
Hi Heidi, it's been forever since I've commented on anyone's blog, but I happened to be checking my blog (which it's been forever since I've posted) and there was your post with that beautiful pinwheel quilt! I just love that~ it's beautiful work! wow! Glad I popped in to see it. Have a happy weekend.
I love your derailed quilt. It is a happy quilt. Can't wait to see what it looks like finished.
I did get something done and that was even with a kindergarten's 'graduation'!
Love the quilt Heidi and love the idea of FNSI it motivates you and it is so good seeing all the work that gets sewn.
I am posting my picture in the next 10 didn't get derailed. Almost got finished! Thanks for the incentive.
I love chain piecing! your quilt looks great!
Nice work.
I did get a chance to sew last night and have also gotten some good work done today.
Cheers, K
I can honestly say that I did exactly what I wanted last night. I had a goal and accomplished it.I am not used to that. Something usually comes up to derail me!
Well so much for trying to sew on my birthday!! Family showed up and stayed late. I had good intentions, did a small project this evening and some repairs to clothes. Well hopefully next time will be better.
Until next time,
Your squares are wonderful. Don't you hate it when things come up missing. I love it though when they show back up in the oddest places. I just posted my Friday Night Sew In results, it is almost 11:30 pm. Was so busy earlier today and then hubs wanted to sit and watch a movie. That does not happen very often so I decided posting on my blog had to wait. Hopefully I am in time for the drawing!
I almost finished my doll quilt for the Sacramento Modern Quilt Guild challenge this month. I just didn't get it bound in time. Oh wells, at least I had something to show. I too did lots of chain piecing last night.
I almost got derailed, but finally settled into my sewing room and made 2 small projects. Just a few minutes ago, I realized I have not yet posted my projects to my blog so I am off to do that now, while it is still Saturday!
thankfully this month I actually got some sewing done. I often seem to get derailed, but not this time thank goodness.
a couple of great prizes this month from you very generous ladies. thanks for the oportunity to win.
Love looking at everyone's work on the flickr group! My MIL & I had a great night again. Post is up on my blog now - Looking forward to next month!
I prepped this time so got more done. Looking forward to June FNSI.
I have posted my progress. Thanks for having this!
Love those pinwheels! I also love chain piecing whenever I can.
Some progress made for me on FNSI but not as much as intended.
pretty quilt! I have to try chain piecing on my 2nd quilt. I posted my pictures/results on my blog yesterday. I made 2 pleated zipper pouches. Thanks this was fun!!
I didn't have alot of time, but prepped 3 quilts, so that feels great! Love the quilt you are putting together!!
Lovely blocks! they all make a great quilt top
So much work has been achieved by so many (!!) ... except here in my home.
Unfortunately I was derailed too. (Long) confessional on my blog @
Will try to be more organised next month!!
What a beautiful quilt, I love your choice of colors! :)
Sorry about your loss! Same thing happened with a quilt book that got mixed up with a stack of newspapers, and then put in the trash. It wasn't missed until it was too late.
Happily, I wasn't derailed and feel great about the progress I'm making on a big free motion quilting project. Thanks for motivating me!
That's going to be a lovely and bright quilt once it's finished.
Thanks for co-hosting FNSI again. It's always so much fun to go see what others worked on.
seeing your pinwheel makes me want to finish mine! i love those fabs.
I got derailed... My brother unexpectedly gave a visit in the evening. All sewing plan put on hold.
I love how it turned out--pinwheels are a favorite of mine.
my sewing started early at the grandaughters insistence--we had fun sewing up a little dress for her.
Sorry you lost your goodies but the quilt you are working looks great.
I worked on a crazy Quilted piece that is so close to being done but then I worry I need to do more. I didn't get to post in time for the drawing but I did want you to know I was stitching with you all thinking about so many out there working the needle or machine too!
Heading to post some pics now!
Ann Flowers
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