It's time to commit to doing something you love! Signup for the Friday Night Sew-in coming October 15th! Bobbi and I will both be hosting this one and we can't wait to sew with all of you!
Most of you already know the drill.. but for any newbies out there.. here is how it works.
1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.
2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.
3. On Friday – 10/15/10 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea.. and sit down to work on some of those projects (or anything else that you want to work on.. maybe you want to knit.. or catch up on scrapbooking).
4. Then, sometime on Saturday - publish a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. There is a FNSI group on Flickr if you haven't already joined. Totally optional.
And finally - on Sunday 10/17, we will enter all participants into a GIVEAWAY for a charm pack of fabric and our signature FNSI pincushion. As always we select 2 winners - so you each will have 2 chances to win!!
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Sewing with friends.
2 days ago
I'm in I actually get a lot done on FSNI's nights.
Looking forward to it. These nights are the best. It seems to motivate me for the whole weekend.
Happy days.
You're on my calendar every month! I love that you're helping me make time for this now :)
I am really really going to try to participate this time. Usually some force beyond my control gets in the way. Looking forward to it!
I have a stall at a local open garden event on that weekend so there will probably be something that needs starting or finishing at the last minute :P!
look forward to it, maybe this is the motivation I need to get some UFO'S finish or who knows start something new (lol)
See you all on the 15
Last week was my first Friday Night Sew-In. I joined at the last minute, and without a bit of preparation I didn't get as much done as I'd like.
This one is going on the's a date, and I'll be ready this time!! :)
Thanks for doing this! Always lots of fun!♥
Can't wait for FNSI!
I'm in! I missed it for September :(
I am definitely in!!! Can't wait!!!
I'm in! I missed two months in a row and cannot wait for this.
Another date for the diary.
I'm in again! This month I started a new project, something different for me, so I think I'll use the FNSIs as a way of starting something new and different- I've already got something in mind. I'll blog about it next week.
Looking forward to the 15th! Planning ahead this time! Love this every month!
I am joining the Sew-in again. This time I plan on getting more done.
What fun. I love these virtual
get togethers
I will try to participate again. I had a lot of fun last time..
Love FNSI, I'll be fit and healthy for this one and stitching like a demon!
Always fun to do. Don't care if I win only that I play.
Hey there!!
Today is my 21st b-day!!!
I'm making it my own personal sew-in day, as my hubby has it off & is gonna watch our kids all day for me.
I REALLY need to catch up...
I'm in for October, even though I never got a chance to share my September sew in!! What a crazy month this turned out to be :-)
This is my first FNSI! Setting time aside for myself to sew, it is on the calendars!
Looking forward to another FNSI! I love this time devoted to sewing! Thanks Heidi and Bobbi!
I'm in! I will be hoping for some nice Fall weather for sewing!
I'll mark my calendar and give it a try. Thanks for hosting this.
Ready for another Friday night of sewing.
I've joined after seeing Lis' blog (no.29). Must put date on the calendar and get organised. SueW
can't wait for a WHOLE night to stitch!
Our quilt show opens that night, so I will be pumped to sew!! Looking forward to another excellent evening!
Mary Lou
I am looking forward to participating in October. Don't know what I will work on yet but I have many partially finished projects to choose from.
My FNSI is going to be a Friday Night Sew Out - I just signed up for a "Get to Know Your Serger" class
I am now very excited for October 15!
October 15th - it's gonna be a good day, innit?!?
Melissa and i are ready for a night of stitching...
Glad I stumbled upon your blog!
I signed up for the FNSI but then I discovered I wont be in that night - my dad runs the Nottingham Beer Festival and I always work one of the bars for him, it's on that Friday night! Can I join in but do my sewing on the Saturday or does that just not count? :0(
I need all the sewing time I can get! I'll kick the kids and hubby to the curb for the night and sew, sew, sew!
This will be my first Friday Night Sew-in and I'm really looking forward to joining in.
Looking forward to this, I accomplished a lot of sewing last month.
Looking forward to it!!
This is my debut. I will make the Melly and Me giraffe pattern that has been patiently waiting to be made for months.
This is my debut. I will make the Melly and Me giraffe pattern that has been patiently waiting to be made for months.
This works as I'm sewing all week that week.
My aunt and I are doing it together... 5 hours apart!
I have a project that needs to be ready for my 3rd Saturday quilt class. I will be working on the Breakfast Club Scones quilt.
Cannot wait to join all of you.
Sounds like a fun idea! I have a pile of UFO's I want to get to work on.
I haven't had a chance to "play" with all of you lately, so I'm looking forward to it!
The 15th is fall break here so I am hoping the kids will be busy playing with friends so that I can get some sewing done!
I am determined to finish my Jared Takes a Wife block on Friday!
Count me in!
yay. I was hoping not to miss the October FNSI. I have alot to work on bc someone has been smiling on us sales-wise, and we need more product! :-)
Looking forward to Friday already and it is only Monday morning. Have plenty of ideas will choose something before the night.
See you there.
I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to get something done
First time and am looking forward to it! Now to figure out what to focus on.
This will be my first FNSI. How often does the event take place.
Thanks for hosting. I'm really looking forward to my first Friday night Sew-in.
Opps.. Signed up twice! Delete that second one (87). I do get a lot done on those nights!
Ok, I'm going to participate this Friday. I have 3 UFO's and a newly cut project mocking me in my sewing room. I hope I get lots done.
Count me in! The last one in September helped me focus to work on a couple of projects. Will do so again, I hope! Our club's annual quilt show is that Friday night, but I'm hoping I'll be inspired to sew a while when I get home.
Mary Lou
Can't wait to get going have a few projects to work on this month. This is such an incentive for me!
Friday nites are ALwAyS good.... but FNSI's are even BeTtEr!!
Looking forward to visiting you all on Saturday. Enjoy!! :)
I am working on my courthouse steps flannel quilt. I am also piecing the back as well. That should give me plenty to do.
I just cut out my Halloween quilt and I'm ready to sew. I'm looking forward to sewing with all of you, have fun!
I'm in... I hope. I'm going to have to juggle the kiddo, cleaning, and sewing, but we've all got to have goals, right?
Hi, this will be my very first Friday-Night-Sew-In. What a fun idea! I have to decide yet what project I will be working on.
Hi, this is Merche, I'm very excited to share Friday evening sewing with you!
I somehow missed this post...thank goodness someone mentioned FNSI on their blog. I always look forward to it and wouldn't have wanted to miss it!
I am looking forward to joining in again now that the warmer weather is here again.
I have a project that MUST get finished, so the timing is perfect!
All set! Looking forward to getting a quilt top finished.
One very late sign-up here - just realised it would probably be coming up soon, and thankfully it is on tonight, I have some cross stitch completed to be 'finished', so looking forward to achieving something!
Okay I just made it! Nothing like being really organised huh?
It's been a while since I last participated but I have quite a few things I must get done. Hopefully I actually will this time.
This will be my first FNSI in a long time and my first since my move. I'm really looking forward to some sewing time.
Hoping to finish up some stitch in the ditch quilting. It always seems like a good idea, until I get about 10 minutes into it. Then I have one of those What Was I Thinking moments.
Hoping to finish up some stitch in the ditch quilting. It always seems like a good idea, until I get about 10 minutes into it. Then I have one of those What Was I Thinking moments.
I forgot all about it! I'll join you. I'm sure I can get a little bit done tonight.
It's been a while since I last took part in the friday night sew in,Soo I thought it's never too late to sign up!
Hi everyone, tonights the the night! This time I will sew more than just a spaghetti strap LOL.....It's down to business!
Yay! I hope number 113 is a lucky number.
Here I am, #116. DH is out tonight so I'll be quilting my table runner and if time allows start quilting a bow tie top.
I can't wait!! I'm so excited and I can't wait to see what everyone produces!!
Last minute sign up here. I'm so excited! I've a pair of pants to sew...
It's not quite night yet--so I'm signing up late. I've been planning on this sew-in, but forgot to sign up. I have some projects to finish:)
I hope it's not to late! I'd like to join in--it's still supper time here, so I'm hoping I can get some sewing done. :)
This will be my very first Friday Night Sew-In! I'm all signed up and excited!
Thanks to Hollie and Wandering Minstrel both, I'm jumping in too! Fun stuff!
so many talented people out there, very inspiring, thanks
I almost missed the date! Glad I checked tonight!
I am in. Sewing away already. Pls drop by my blog and sign up for my giveaway.
Hi, this is my first time.. I saw the invite on Kim's big quilting adventure.
OK - I am in too :) Gaad help me :)
now that i know the specs i can 'officially' join. i spend my fridays on crafty stuff anyways
Oh - just found your blog... great idea. Unfortunately last night I didn't get to my sewing room...
Hopefully next month I can participate...
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