I will be hosting the Friday Night Sew-In for September "solo" this time. Bobbi has a very important wedding that weekend (her nephew).
The Sew-In will be on September 17th! Are you ready? That gives you 3 weeks to formulate your plan, so get busy!
Most of you already know the drill.. but for any newbies out there.. here is how it works.
1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.
2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.
3. On Friday – 09/17/10 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea.. and sit down to work on some of those projects (or anything else that you want to work on.. maybe you want to knit.. or catch up on scrapbooking).
4. Then, sometime on Saturday - publish a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. There is a FNSI group on Flickr if you haven't already joined. Totally optional.
And finally - on Sunday 9/19, we will enter all participants into a GIVEAWAY for something fun! Maybe some fabric.. or a sewing gadget or two. As always we select 2 winners - so you each will have 2 chances to win!!
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My WeeK
2 days ago
Can't believe I am First. Yeah I can't wait now to figure out what to sew!
I'm one of those "newbies" :-)! Excited about the opportunity to sew, sew, sew! LOL The most-often used label on my blog? -- Unfinished Projects! I hope there'll be some finished projects in the list on Sept. 18th!
Mary Lou
Yay another FNSI! This will be my third!
I love the reminder to pamper myself and create. Thank you!
I am REALLY looking forward to this!!
This is Elena's husband, yet again!!
I am hoping to use the 17th to catch up on alot of projects that I have set aside from being too busy with work & school.
Now that summer is over and football has started for Friday nights, I have the time to join in. Thanks.
I am looking forward to the Sew-In. I really would like to work on one of my many UFOS.
I'm definitely a newbie so I'll join in on the fun.
Let's see if I can actually make it two FSNI in a row!
Your Friday Night SI are always fun!!
I'm for the September sew-in!
I'm in for FNS this month. Have my project ready to stitch already!
This time I will use it to cut up scraps.
I'll be on the road so I'll have to work on hand sewing!! Already packing the projects I'll be taking!
The Sew-In is one of my favorite parts of the month. Hmm...time to start planning.
Can't wait
Glad to be a part of it again. Hopefully this time I will use the evening rather than the afternoon!
Lol,maybe I can get past pin cushions this time :P!
on the calendar and looking forward to it!
Thanks Heidi will put it in my diary and side bar.
Have a great long weekend.
We'll get a reminder before the 17th, right? I got a bunch of kids (ok, 2 but they feel like a bunch) and I forget stuff.
Thanks for being the hostess,Enjoy the wedding Bobbi.
Happy days.
I can't wait! This will be my second FNSI and I'm very excited. I know exactly what I'm going to work on, too! I just need to get the pieces cut and I'll be ready to sew, sew, sew!!
Thanks so much for hosting, this!
I am ready to sew! I think I will work on my BOM Marie Antoinette quilt. If I work on it for each FNSI it should be finished in about a year! Wo Hoo!
I'm in the first 50! Yay for me. I've got it entered into my memory (the Blackberry) so I can't forget!
I'm ready to sew!
Looking forward to another fun night.
I had sooo much fun last time I've already made my plans for projects for the 17th. Can't wait!...THANKS
I will be joining yet again!!
I am WAY behind due to 2 weeks of finals & a busy work schedule!
can't wait -- getting the project list ready.....
thanks for hosting!
Looking forward to another productive evening!
I've had the badge on my blog for a long time but kept forgetting to check the timing. So today I've added it to my calendar. I'll be visiting my dd and dsil but I should be able to sew a little bit!
i can tell you what we (Melissa and i) WON'T be working on ... baby shower stuff - cuz it will be all over by then - woo hoo!!!
Can;t wait to devote Friday Night to sewing! Thanks Heidi!
Ohhh this sounds like fun...I have never done this before...thanks Heidi can't wait!
FINALLY got my post up on my blog (I've had the "sticker" up since you announced, I think)! Hope we have a record bunch participating. What fun! Thanks for hosting this, Heidi!
Mary Lou
I'm in....hmmmmm..now, what to work on??
Hi there! This will be my first one! No idea what I'll work on yet, but I have decided it will be something fun that I want to play with and not something I have a 'deadline' on!
I haven't participated in a sew in in awhile. Looking forward to Friday night!
I missed the last two because I was away for the summer, so I'm definitely looking forward to this month's FNSI! I'll be there with bells (and my jammies) on, that is if I don't get derailed somehow. sigh.
Yay! Super excited for my first Friday Night Sew In!!
YAY! I look forward to this every month. I'll be working on my "homework" for my quilting class on Saturday. Thanks for setting this up :)
I look forward to another nice Friday!
Thanks a lot for the gift I received today!
Yay for FNSI! And I have a blog now too, so I posted about this one!
I have a hexagon table runner, sewn by machine, that needs to be finished.
Looking forward to it - I'll be working on my homework from the class I'm taking on Friday at my LQS.
Looking forward to Friday Night Sew In - It usually turns in to a weekend sew in at my house.
I'm in! Yay!! Now what to work on...
I can hardly wait to get home to start sewing. Look forward to checking out all the making we achieve!
Thanks for hosting.
I think I know exactly what I'll be working on, but I still have a couple of days to change my mind a dozen times!
I've only got two days to decide what I'm going to sew... There is something I SHOULD sew, but not sure whether I can be bothered!!
Count me in. I looked at my WIP list recently and horrified myself. At this rate Little Pyjamas will be getting his quilt when he graduates from high school in 2026.
Count me in for this round.
Not only do I have some swap goodies to complete but I'm starting two weeks holidays .. or should that be 'change of job' because it just means that I get everything done around the house that has been on the waiting list.
I wa just saying I was going to have to go into lock in mode LOl I'm down to 9 days till show time & there's nakies & body parts everywhere!
I have a purse I want to finish for a Christmas gift. I've been procrastinating on getting it done. Well no more excuses! :-)
I have tried several times to link to this and can't seem to figure out how. I am planning on doing the sew in though. If you have any hints what I am doing wrong let me know. My link is www.lifeslittlegarden.blogspot.com
Yes, I'll be there :)
Well, I´ll try to be there...again..hope I'll make it this time.
Thanks for all those good ideas. Greets Kirsten
Ok, I'm in, but I hope to actually sew something again this time around. Lots has happened since the last time and this date kinda crept up on me. But we shall see, it was so fun last time.
Well, I've bookmarked your post on my Bloglines each and every time you've had one of these Friday sew-ins. But it's never worked out that I've been involved. I'm going to try and make it happen this week!
I have great news! I am off all day on Friday, I am going to a BOM at 1 PM but I plant to sew all day. So my FNSI = FDSI -- I am sew excited. Hopefully I can get a halloween project done.
This sounds like fun. I'm in!
Preparation, what preparation!!! I've only just remembered to register in time!
I cannot wait to get home from work and put my bunny slippers on. I have so many projects I cannot decide what to work on.
Karen W. in S.W. OH
I thought I was going to have to miss this month as we have family time planned tonight, but then had a 'duh' moment...today is my first day with both DD's in school full day so I will be doing some Friday-Day-Sewing instead...if I ever get off the computer that is! lol!
YIKES !!! do I EVER need this Friday Night Sew In (it should be a Lock Down Sew In as far as I'm concerned ! ) .....I'm SOOOOOOO far behind on a project that has to be done SOON !!!
YIKES !!! do I EVER need this Friday Night Sew In (it should be a Lock Down Sew In as far as I'm concerned ! ) .....I'm SOOOOOOO far behind on a project that has to be done SOON !!!
I'm hoping to get in some sewing tonight.
Can't wait to get started!! P.J.'s and fabric, here I come!
Looking forward to this!
Ooh, I've been so busy I almost forgot to sign up! Count me in, I'm going to sew with friends tonight. Have fun everyone!
I have a project that I'm trying to finish up! :)
I am normally a quilter, but I am babysitting 4 of my 10 grandchildren tonight, so I will be crocheting instead.
I will post my finished scarf on Saturday.
Yay! This is my very first Friday Night Sew In. I've been sick all week...and dying to do something! And I've got SO much to catch up on. Here's my excuse...the hubbie will just have to understand I've made a commitment here. :)
Talk about a last minute sign-up!
Hey, I've been checking in every few days hoping to figure out how to officially join the sew in, but never figured out how. So, I've been sewing since 6 tonight, just so I can feel the power of all these quilters linked together. Whether I'm official, or not, I'm having fun, and just put the borders on my baby rose, and am now working on the borders for my snowflake snowball. I've also prepared the applique pieces for my next Circuit Rider block. This has been great for me. Thank you so much.
Rrrrrrhh!!! OK, I am squealing in here at the last minute. DYS, DDIL, Dude & Devine Ms M; called me at the last minute to go out for Mexican Food. OGM, DDIL snuck 2/3s of her Margarita in my glass. OK, breathalizer - passed, cutting all done, only sewing to do. Sewing on my "stash reduction" boxes. Doesn't take much to concentration for 2" squares to go through the machine.
I just had a great FNSI - I can't wait to see all of the pictures tomorrow!
Ok...here is my first attempt to join a group who promises to sit and sew all evening, and show their work the following day! Whew...what have I joined here, ladies?!
Thanks for the challenge to accomplish this handiwork! Debi
I had a fabulous night of sewing - after a day of sewing - what a treat! Looking forward to seeing what everybody's been making and to the next FNSI!
I used my Friday Night Sew-In to work on a little baby quilt for my soon-to-be Godson...
We should call the day after a Friday Night Sew-In - The Saturday View-In...
Everyone's projects look so good!
I stayed in and sewed last night, now I've blogged about it - I'm not sure if there's an official way of "reporting" back, but I'm off to see what you all made.
I actually was able to sew last night and I blogged about it here http://goldeneyezblog.blogspot.com/2010/09/friday-night-sewing.html Hope to get a chance to see what you all did!
I finished my rag quilt last night and posted pic's on my blog and on flickr! Love what everyone else worked on. This was fun!!!
What a great idea! I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night :)
I only sewed a little bit last night. I went to a quilt show yesterday and it was late when I got home. I did a quickie project, something that was already cut out.
It was a great night. I am always inspired to get things done during my Friday Night Sew In weekends.
I usually take part in these in one form or another, but this Friday night saw me hand stitching a quilt binding with my dear blogging friend, a great night!!
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