We had so much fun last night.. we really enjoy Halloween (especially when it's in the 70's here in the desert).
I was lucky enough to hang out with
Spiderman (3rd year in a row) and a
Ghoulish Dracula. I had purchased an Ironman costume for my youngest.. and about 10minutes before we went out - he changed his mind and wanted Spiderman again. Oh well..

We have a Dentist that lives a few houses down - he offered Dracula some
free Dental work. Hilarious!
We love to decorate our house each year. I almost forgot to take pictures - and then I was rushed because the kids were starting to come. So I didn't get pictures of everything. But here is a partial view of the house.

We use
"CAUTION" Tape to rope off our yard - Adds to the spookyness. But the
real reason for this is because we live on a corner lot and this is the time of year in the desert when you re-seed your
grass. See it looking pretty dead? It will be a bright green in about a week or two. This stops kids from cutting across the new grass.
We have a
FOG machine too - but that was still heating up when I shot these. The FOG machine is fun because it really spreads out.. and gives the air down the street a light mist.. makes it kinda spooky.

There is
sound too.. that you can't see obviously. It's remote control.. so the kids make sure to push the button as the
trick-or-treaters are coming up the path!
My oldest is always so worried about the little kids getting scared of his mask - he was constantly taking it off. While my youngest would always make sure to spook them when they came up to the house for candy. So I finally asked my youngest "Why do you insist on scaring the little kids?" and his answer... ready for this.. "Because they're so Scare-able".
We all got a good laugh out of that one! He's got a point!
Hope you all had fun too! Happy Halloween!!!
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