It's time to sign up for the November Friday Night Sew-in. Commit to some much needed "YOU TIME"
Bobbi and I have a super exciting announcement to make for the November FNSI.. are you ready?
The FNSI Giveaway this month is sponsored by Me and My Sister Designs. Me and My Sister Designs have created many adorable lines of fabric for Moda. If you've never heard of them.. then crawl out of that cave you are living in and click the link and read their blog. They are super fun and funny!
Bobbi and I were lucky enough to meet Barb and Mary of Me and My Sister Designs last January. Their fabric is always bright and fun. And they are also releasing 5 new patterns including a cozy for your iron! So cute! Check them out!
So if you are excited and want to participate in the Friday Night Sew-in this month.. here is how it works.
1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.
2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.
3. On Friday – 11/19/10 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea.. and sit down to work on some of those projects (or anything else that you want to work on.. maybe you want to knit.. or catch up on scrapbooking).
4. Then, sometime on Saturday - publish a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. There is a FNSI group on Flickr if you haven't already joined. Totally optional.
And finally - on Sunday 11/21, we will enter all participants into a drawing for the GIVEAWAY!! And it's looking like we will have 4 winners this month! Yes, 4 chances to win!
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My WeeK
2 days ago
Hey I'm first! And I am so in! FNSI definitely helps me get on with my sewing.
I'm in :0) loved my last FNSI.
Cup of tea??!!???!!!???!! Glass of wine more like!! Can't wait for the me time. Thanks girls.
I'm going to try this again! No excuses allowed this time - Pictures WILL BE POSTED on Saturday :-)
~ Meagan
Yes, I need to remember to post the pictures on the blog...
I'm SEW in!! Just blogged about it!
Thanks for doing this!
As soon as I leave here I will blog about the FNSI. Sounds like fun.
I am in again..I hope I achieve more this month than last!!!!!
making plans to get busy and sew that whole day! I will blog about this in a few days...
Okay.....this will be my THIRD attempt at participating in the Friday Night Sew-In! Wish me luck that it will actually happen this time, since I have LOTS of sewing to work on :-)!
ok crawling out of said cave and look forward to seeing all the creations!
Hello Heidi and Bobbie, Thank you for organizing this again. Really looking forward to it. Happy days.
I love the FNSI. This will be my third excuse to kick of the sneakers and sew crazy!
Hi from South Australia! I would love to join in the FNSI - but I dont know what my URL is - sorry if that sounds dumb. I have a blog: Can I still join in? Can you please let me know what to do please?
So glad I can join this again, off for the winter and happy to be able to sew, sew and seew!
I am going to give it another try!!
alrighty - i am focussed and ready to go for this month!
Im going to try it again this week. Hope I can get some christmas stuff done.
That will be a perfect night to put the peddle to the metal and get some Christmas gifts finished!
It sounds like a great plan! Im in!
I'm in! I better be... I've got lots of projects to work on this time. Christmas is coming, you know!
I'm in--yay! My favorite night of the month, even without the really terrific prizes. Maybe it will be my turn to be picked this round. But, either way, thanks again.
YAY! I can't wait.
Yay I'm in!! I missed the last one so I'll definitely be doing this one - not sure what I'll make yet...
Oh, I'm so in on this one. I've missed the last couple, but no matter what, I'm sewing on the 19th!
Last one was my first definatley not my last. its such fun knowing we all do this together.
It's in my diary so I'll find something to keep my hands busy!
Thanks again for hosting!
Oh I can`t`s getting closer to X-mas and I should get some smaller projects finished
I will be away at retreat but will be sewing and hope to be able to post Sat.
Congrates on being sponsored.
Finally - the planets must be in alignment because I CAN plan to participate this time! Woo Hoo!
I haven't been too successful in the last couple of FNSI...maybe this one will be better. :)
Happy to join!
I'm in! Love this night dedicated to sewing with sew many!
Thanks so much for these fun Friday night sew ins! Love Me and My Sister designs:)
Last FNSI I managed to do a bit...
I'm hoping to get a bunch more done this time too!
First Ive heard of this, sounds awesome! :D
Looking forward to another fun Friday night!
THIS time i will be staying away from the quilting frame and i will NOT be playing twister ... i'm just sayin'
I am a new blogger and new to this. This sounds like fun.
Oh yes, put the info on my blog
I love me some Friday Night Sew-in!!
Count me in for Nov :) Christmas is coming which means projects with hard deadlines!
thanks ladies ... just the "pre holiday" get it in gear shove I need!
I want to get back in in November. We're moving this weekend, so maybe I can get my sewing room set back up in 3 weeks! I'll have to make a post on my blog next week, after we have internet access again.
This will be first FNSI! I love the idea. Hopefully my link to Flickr site worked.
LT (#66)
I'm so ready for this again. I've missed the last couple of months. Thanks for hosting this for all of us.
Cleary K.
I'm so ready for this again. I've missed the last couple of months. Thanks for hosting this for all of us.
Cleary K.
I didn't get to sew in October, so I'm determined to get some "Me" time in! :-D
Mary Lou
Working on BOM for tomorrow morning, and then placemats for my daughter, and then if I have time appliquing dresden plates.
I look forward to the FNSI. It is a date I always keep with myself. I have never registered before, just jumped in and sewed when one was scheduled. I have so many projects to finish. I need more time to sew.
This sounds brilliant--a sort of giant virtual pajama party for sewers.
Looking forward to sewing with you all!
First time in the group. I think it will keep me focused on a project or two. Is there ever a virtual version of this??? It would be nice.
Count me in!!
Hope I get more time in Nov for the sew-in.
Good reason to get my fabric/sewing mojo back on! This sounds like a really good time for all!
I'm in! This'll be my first time :D
This sounds like a lot of fun. Count me in !!!
I'm SO looking forward to this!
I had thought I missed FNSI this month, but I've just been confused in general! Looking forward to November 19 in more ways than one!
Thanks Heidi. October was my first time participating and I can hardly wait to do it again. Great sponsor too!
I love this FNSI idea...and I'll be joining you with needle in hand! Debi
This will be my first FNSI and I am so excited!
Another FNSI. I am so looking forward to this.
I am going to work on my Christmas presents for family.
Love FNSI. I will be away on 19th but will be sewing along with you all although I won't be able to post on Saturday morning.
Sounds great I'm in.
This is my first FNSI - sounds like fun!
Looking so forward to the great support we give and recieve in this group to do creative things. Love that you and Heidi do this every month. :)
Hi Heidi
just to let you know I have joined the FNSI. looking forward to being part of a world wide 'quilty' event, will pass it on to my quiltin friends
Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to it.
I am so trilled to see that the FNS is coming up. I have decided to make mug rugs as gifts for people so this will be one of the items on my to do list to work on Nov. 19. Thanks.
I have to take a couple of days off between now and the end of the year, and I picked the 19th! So I'll get to sew all day and all night..
Sounds fun, this will be my first FNSI. Angel
Looking forward to setting aside an evening all to myself and sewing...along with the all rest of you of course!
Wouldn't (couldn't) miss the FNSI!
This is perfect! I need some motivation to finish up some of those projects i've had cut out for forever!
I have some projects to work on and I need some motivation to do it :)
Have forgotten to enter for a while, but just hoping I am not too late. Its a good thing to get some hand seing done on the Friday night...I can then sit and almost watch the TV too :) Nice to be with you all
Just signed up to sew on Friday night! I KNOW I will be chained to my sewing machine as soon as I get home from the office.
I am soo looking forward to FNSI I was just thinking to myself today I wonder when it is?Now I'm thinking what to do?Hmmm!
This will be my first FNSI... looking forward to it!
I've been sadly lacking in the actual quilting arena lately so this will be great motivation to get one of my WIP's close to finished.
As usual I cant wait!
I'll try it!
This is just what I needed to get busy on my projects and an excuse to post more often. Yay!!!
Need this Friday to finish up 2 swap items. Leaving for Argentina Dec.9th. and returning on the 18th.
I am looking so forward to next Friday night!!!
My first time to sign up for a sew in! Can't wait. It will be fun to get acquainted with some new bloggers too.
YAY! I need some much needed time with just me and my sewing machine :)
I need to finish up my winter coat and maybe get a few more Christmas presents made.
Yea! I want to join. I will go to my blog and post about it. Friday nights are perfect for me to have all to myself! Hubby is usually asleep in his chair by 7 anyway!!
My first FNSI. Can't wait!
hehe! I just came back to see if I signed up yet or not (because I know I wanted to but wasn't sure if I commited yet) and saw that I am #18, my lucky number, the day of the month I was born (in April not nov) maybe that's a good sign!!
I'm so excited! This is the first FNSI you've had where my husband has been on shift -- so I can really sew, sew, sew!!! YES! :)
This will be my first FNSI EVER! I am a FNSI virgin, LOL. I can't wait to participate!!
Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't sure if I'd be able to this month but my schedule opened! Can't wait -so many projects!
I will be camping in the woods in North Florida on Friday, so I will be working on a hand applique project. I will find some time to post on Saturday. We will probably be going into town on Sat. to do some shopping. I will post then.
i look forward to friday night! this is like a slumber party!
This will be my first, but I love the excuse to spend the whole night with a few projects and my sewing machine. I am trying to get my thoughts in order so that I can cruze and get a lot done! Looking forward to sharing and seeing all the other lovely work!
Sounds like fun. I'm glad I don't have to work this Friday, so I can play along. Maybe gets some WIP's finished.
I cant wait til Friday.
Very new to the blog and flickr world.
Since I was already planning on sewing on Friday night.... :) Should be fun. I have a list of "have tos" and a list of "want tos"
This is great! I had full intentions on sewing Friday so now there are no excuses to get out of it - and the chance to win a prize- Awesome!
This has been a rough week and it's only Wednesday. I'm going to be ready to wind down and do some sewing this Friday so count me in. I'm looking forward to some me time.
Oh this sounds wonderful! I'm in and I've posted about it. Thanks for hosting!
Count me in, and I've said so publicly in my blog. So I'm committed! Can't wait, I'm lining up the projects I'm going to work on. See you then!
I read about this @ Living4Quilting. I love the idea. So cool!
I'm linked up and looking forward to this Friday :)
I'm a FNSI newbie! I've been wanting to hook up for a few months now and finally get my chance! Let's get our sew on!
I am so excited. I have some projects that need to get started.
Here's to hoping that my newly-returned husband (2.5 month business trip) will let me sew...
I'm so ready for this....yay.
Oh I really want to try this. Hubby is away so there should be no excuse.
Hello, I'm in after little break... I planned to sew of two new project. I'll not finish them tomorrow, but atleast try to start them. See you on Saturday;)
I am going to try this for the first time. I was linking up too quickly though and just entered before checking the link. So I linked up correctly and do not know if you can delete the first link or not. Wrong link is 161 correct one is 162.
Looking forward to some quality sewing time. Thanks for hosting.
Very excited!!! I have some Christmas Quilts to finish! Good luck everyone!
sounds like be sewing with company!!
I'll be doing the November FNSI! I just hope I can overcome my computer woes to get some pictures up on Saturday.
I have so many things to catch up on, looking forward to it.
Yes. I will be sewing tonight. Yeah
I'm in...last month I did TWO Friday Nights...the first time I had the wrong date...oh well got a lot done!! :o)
Take care and thanks for doing this!
My post just disapeared on me. Never mind here is another :) Lovely to know I have company tonight - while I work on a special project.
I'm joining you in the last minutes. There hasn't been too much time for sewing lately. It will not be too much done tonight, but I hope to make a lttle bit progress on a gift or two.
Nice to know there are many more that do some sewing. Hope you all enjoy it :-)
I'm very late BUT I only recently got my project! I'm here, I'm here!
I'm in ! Already working but need to go do something else for an hour, then eat with dh, then I will be back at it. :D
Just found the FNSI and I'm on my way upstairs to sew with my cup of tea (and a cookie, but don't tell)!
I will be sewing and trying to finish some christmas gifts tonight.
This is my first ever Sew-In and I am really looking forward to it.
Really enjoyed my first FNSI. Thanks for hosting :-)
I'm stitching away for my first FNSI ...knitting, not sewing, but it's what needs to be done! Thanks for the motivation!
Joining in for the first time. Twas a very productive evening!
i love this idea! and i was able to get 3 more sets of little birds done for my little store...thanks for doing this!
I'm way late in posting on my project from the sew-in, but better late, than never, right? ;)
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