For some reason I thought I still had another week before the FNSI. I started the new's going well but my house is upside down and laundry is piling up. I desperately need to get my "workin mom groove" back!!
So let's get signed up ladies!! It's this Friday the 22nd.
If you are new, click the Friday Night Sew In tab above for details on how it works. Otherwise add your name below and commit to some sewing!!
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March 2025 Monthly Specials
11 hours ago
Glad to hear the new job is going well. Don't worry, workin' mom groove will come back soon enough! Looking forward to Friday!
Looking forward to Friday - I have ALOT to work on!
I have a lot to work on and it is so hot here I don't want to go outside. Friday will be the perfect night to sew!!! :)
I'm in... I have several projects that need finishing up!
I´ll be there. I have a ton of things I need to work on!!!
I'm so excited! I have so much to work on! I'll be counting the minutes until Friday!
I've been deep cleaning my sewing room, so this will be the motivation to get it finished, so I can sew along.
I love Friday night sew ins! And Saturday's, most of Sunday, well you know any excuse lol!
I have a lot to do, so I'm ready! :D
I am excited. I was just thinking earlier today that maybe I had missed the sign-up for this month. Glad to know I didn't.
Really looking forward to working with you all in spirit on Friday night!!
Good luck to everyone...get in the groove & go with it.
Looking forward to it. Sorry things are so hot elsewhere, it is barely making 60 degrees here today and we are all wondering if summer is going to happen or not!
I'm always up for a good sew-in, even on short notice. Thanks for sponsoring, even with your busy life.
I had been wondering when the next one would be, I'm looking forward to some time on my sewing machine hopefully, I've plenty to do!
Welcome back Heidi. Glad your job is going well. If only the housework fairies had your address!
Looking forward to Friday Night stitching.
This will be interesting as I have a market stall on Saturday and need to be set up by 7.30am. Lol, guess I can do a Thursday night sew in or a Friday afternoon one instead :).
I still need to decide what I'm going to work on, maybe something quick that can be finished that evening.
Glad to hear the new job is going well. You'll get things organized... it just takes a bit of time to get adjusted.
This will be my first time playing along, looking forward to it :o)
I had a FNSI early on the 15th ;-)
this way I get two FNSI - win, win!
Ahhhh...I wish! I would TOTALLY be in but I'll be in San Antonio, Texas (which is very far from my home in Edmonton and my sewing machine). Next time... Hope y'all have fun (trying to talk like a am I doing?)
I haven't participated in one of these for a while, but this week I'm I'm in! I can't wait to see what everyone works on :)
Gosh that came around quick this time ... better get something ready for stitching.
I won't have much time on Friday - my daughter and I are going to a Sound of Music sing-a-long but I will find some time! Thanks for hosting.
Looking forward to a night of sewing some lavender sachets with my peeps!
yay! I too thought i'd missed it, got a quilt to finish, should be a good night!
having 5 Fridays probably throws everyone off. I am really looking forward to it - I NEED to sew!!
I'm looking forward to it! 'See' you there!
Hi Heidi, would love to join you
Cheers Pam
Yahoo! Hopefully this time I actually get to sew, unlike last time when the evening disappeared on me.
Heidi, I do hope that you are planning on taking time to sew along with us all. I know all to well how work takes away from sewing time. That is why I so look forward to FNSI. Once I sign up, I feel committed to sew something, even if it isn't much, just so that I spend time stitching something.
I look forward to seeing what you and everyone else works on this Friday night.
FNSI Woot Woot!!
So excited...have my project ready to work on! Thanks for hosting Heidi. With all you have going on you still take care of us!!
I'm excited! I'll still be on my Honeymoon on Friday, but I'm going to be doing some knitting (no sewing machine). We'll see how far I get in the car on Friday!
I'm happy to be joining you on Friday night! I have fabric for a new project set to arrive on Thursday, so I hope to get it done Friday night! :-)
Yay! My first FSNI as a mommy :) I'll be working on a special project to go in the nursery :)
Congratulations Jess in Progress. I'll be joining in on Friday, EPP, hooray.
I have not done one of these for awhile soooooo looking forward to a night of bliss in the sewing room
Looking forward to it. I have so much on at the moment and another busy weekend coming up, but I'm determined to get some sewing done on Friday evening!!
I can't believe it is July already. I have three projects to finish. Machine quilt a small wall quilt. add a border to a round robin quilt. finish a paper piece block.
I was wondering when the linky sign up would go up - life does go quickly!!
I actually though last week was FNSI, as the 1st was a Friday, though I realised mid last week that it was this week.
I'm looking forward to it, though I am thinking I will probably get the bulk of my sewing done in the morning or afternoon. So far I haven't gotten much chance the last two months, though I have successfully been getting lots of sewing done lately, so I know I'm going to have success this time!
I thought it was last week and somehow I had missed it. Then when NO ONE posted about it, I realized that maybe it would be this week. THANKS!
I'm one of the peeps that Miss Nancy Lee will be FNSI'ing with - maybe I can score one of her lavender sachets when she isn't looking!!! ;)
I'm in!! I hope to be starting a new quilt this weekend! Just trying to get things ready for it.
I'm ready to really get some sewing done...and I need to make a couple of presents...Looking forward to a set time to work!
Hi Heidi, I am looking forward to joining you!
I thought it was this Friday. Don't want to forget and miss out again.
I'M IN !!!
Looking forward to it! It's supposed to be 100 degrees in NY so I am not going anywhere but the Craft Lounge to sew up a pair of cool cotton border print pants.
It has been too long since any sewing has been going on in "the pit" and hope FNSI will inspire me to get going. Daughter in law has borrowed my camera so won't be able to post pictures until I go and "borrow" it back.
Looking forward to it!
Gonna be pinning two quilt tops and piecing together a third - MIL will be joining me again, no idea what she's working on this month!
Finally I signed up! I will work on a table runner like last month. It will be the same pattern and I will use a City Weekend Moda Candy Bar. I´m so excited how much I will get done.
I've got the air conditioning cranked up and a project ready to go. If I'm lucky, I'll get the top done - it's one of my own designs so I can't wait to see it done!
Hopefully this will give me the kick in the backside I need to get sewing again!
I am in and looking forward to it. I haven't been able to do the last few sew ins. Happy crafting!!
I am so looking forward to Friday Night's Sew In! It seems I can begin, and progress a project - I just can't allow it to be complete - then I'll never get to work on it again! Or worse, I'll give it away and never see it again! So, I have quite a few projects at the end stage. I'd like to get them past the finish line. Looking foward to it! Becky at
Hoping to get some sewing done tomorrow...I will give it my best - which isnt much at present :)
Plenty of things to get done here - FNSI is just the thing to get me organised.
Look forward to seeing you there.
The new job thing certainly takes some getting used to - hope you find the groove soon.
And my word verification is 'comence', guess it is trying to tell me something.
Really looking forward to this one! I have been all puppy and parties and would really benefit from some me and sewing time. Thank you for hosting and the nudge to go sew!
I found you just in time. I can take care of my To Do list today so I will be free to settle in for some serious sewing tomorrow. Lovely idea.
I have my project ready! Hoping to make some real progress this month:)
What a fun idea!
I am so glad you finally posted for the FNSI. I am going to hide in my studio and sew my heart out.
I'm looking forward to spending some time at my sewing machine! It's been difficult to find time to quilt this summer. We have been a good way!
On the list! I'm gonna work on PSIQuilt's Synchronized Squares quilt tomorrow night. See you Saturday!
I can't believe we are through enough of July for it to be FNSI already...I've a quilt top laid out on the floor ready for rows to be sewn together so that's tonight's focus sorted...
Congrats on the new job, good to hear that it is going well.
I thought I had more time, too, but I'm ready to sew, sew, sew!!
Oh BOY do I have lots and lots of sewing to do !!! See you all tomorrow night !
Yippie! My husband is working tomorrow night and I have a baby blanket that I can probably finish cutting and sew the whole thing tomorrow night!!!
Thank you so much for organising FNSI for us.
Looking forward to finishing a quilt for my friend Nancy. Lots of company tonight.
I'm glad your new job is going well and I'm sure it will take some time to adjust.
Looking forward to a night of sewing, I certainly have lots to do.
Just signed up, I have a lot of bits and pieces to work on :)
first time i have done a FNSI ... have my sewing all organised .. have my cuppa and a snack .. have locked the door to the sewing room ... no one can get near me ... time to sew ...
I have so much sewing to do, so hopefully, this will push me to use more time for sewing to complete some projects.
I'll be there with my stitching shoes on!
I'm in! This is my first time signing up. I have a ton of things to work on and this will make it more fun. Thanks for doing these.
I'm in again. Today I'll try to finished all the rows of the quilt I started last week. Will see if I can. See you tomorrow!
wow, this one snuck up on me! not sure what i'll be up to tonite..maybe a little sundress for daughter. looking forward to it now!
Woo-Hoo! FNSI *dances the Carleton*
Found you through and can't wait to join in next month. leaving in an hour to camp this weekend, but what a great idea!
Again, can't wait to join up next time! Thanks for hosting!
Can't wait! Haven't done ANY sewing recently
Haven't been able to do any sewing lately. Really looking forward to tonight!
I am SO looking forward to this. Its been a long week and I need some good vibes to get me through the next 2 days at work too. My 'weekend' doesn't start till 5pm on Sunday. Happy to join everyone & I can't wait to see what you're working on!
This is my first's worth it just to have my husband bathe the kids and put them to bed for once:)
I will check out Flikr tomorrow and post photos of what I accomplish! Thanks for the excuse to lock myself in my office.
Great idea and perfect timing! Just this morning, I added stitching & sewing on to-do list for the evening.
I'll be working on an embroidery project, hopefully will finish my June chicken block!
I registered a few days ago but completely forgot until I randomly clicked back to the site. Yay for FNSI!
Getting a late start but I'm IN! Next month, I need to set a reminder in my calendar. Hah ... like I think THAT will help me be better organized. ;-)
Can I join this any month....I just found this so it's kinda late for this time, but can I join next month? Sounds so fun!!
A few years ago I was doing binding a book with a Regency theme and came across Barbara Brackman's Hartfield fabric in teal green. One of the people who really admired the book, and the fabric has just been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Our community of friends is making her a quilt. I'd love to use that fabric for my square. However, I can't find a fat quarter anywhere on the net. I have contacted several online retailers, one searched 200 stores.
I am reaching out to quilters, would someone be willing to sell me a fat quarter of Hartfield in teal green. If so, please contact me at fseddon at gmail dot com
Hope to get something a little something done.
Cheers, K
thanks for hosting--I always look forward to Friday night sew in!
Yikes! I almost forgot to sign up...and I have been sewing away in my sewing room tonight.
I got my project up on Flickr (first time using that site) and posted my project on my blog!
I love looking at everyone's project. They are so inspiring.
Will work on getting photo to flickr next. I live in Boulder City,NV
I actually sewed! YEAH! Thanks for the encouragement getting me downstairs to sew after 9:30PM last night....
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