I have been surfing all the blogs for all you people in last nights FNSI!! You are all so amazing! All 119 of you!! We all accomplished so much!
I got a lot done myself - can't show you a picture yet because it's quite foggy outside this morning as it is most mornings here (I guess that's because of the water?? That's my guess anyway) But I will be taking pictures later today after a few errands with my husband. (hopefully the Sun will come out)
Now I'm going back to the blog list of FNSI Rock Stars and get some more ideas from all you crafty people!! It will take me a couple mornings to visit all of you though!
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My WeeK
2 days ago
I always enjoy looking at all the things people make too! I had a geat night, got 2 pillowcases done. No pics yet cause the weather here is bad too!
Thanks for hosting and have a great day!
This is such a fun event to be able to participate in. I've watched from afar, as your previous dates all found me either not at home, or wrapped up in the care of grandchildren. Last night it was such a joy to know I was sewing while 118 others were doing the same! In fact, I'm on such a roll - I'm at home, and have no little people around - that I'll be sewing all day today (Saturday) too! Yay!
Thank you for organizing this!
I just added a post to my blog of what I finished last evening for the Friday Night Sew-In.
Have a nice day!
OK--my report is up, too. Thanks for another great sew-in.
Finally squeezed a post in but dinner calls!!!!
Sorry it took me so long to post what I finished! It was just me, the puppy and the toddler this morning and things were rather hectic!
Thank you soooo much for hosting this :)
Just posted my photo - thanks for the fun time...I loved how my project is turning out!!! Off to see what everyone else did.
I forgot to leave a link...
Ugh, feeling so guilty - I signed up but didn't work on my quilt! I got back in from a hiking trip late Friday night and thought I could work on a block. Turns out, I'm a lazy, lazy, person. I will do some Saturday afternoon quilting to make up for it!
Ah well, there's always next time. I wasn't able to get into town to get fabric for the project I wanted to work on, and then life took over and time flew out the door! But I *have* enjoyed looking at everything all the other wonderful participants worked on!!! :)
Ok, mine is all added!!! I had fun! I am usually on my way to the ranch on Friday nights, but we found ourselves home this weekend and I had a great time! I hope to get to do this again really soon!!!
Oh no! My FNSI stalled before it started... I spent hours cleaning an entire bottle of red nailpolish off of the carpet (care of my son). I'll be posting details later this week... but, unfortunately, no FNSI fun for me last night... : (
Hi there Heidi, I was just turned on to your blog and wanted to know.. do the crafter's on their own work or are they following one your say to do? I need to read more of your blog.. but I think I'd like to join in next Friday... what a clever idea!
Where do I sign up?
Hey Heidi finally was able to actively participate this time it felt good and got quite a bit done.
Summer weight blanket for the grandbaby and two straps for a new purse. Yay!
I added photos to the Flickr group this afternoon, but only just now got around to updating my blog with my FNSI results: http://thriftyquilter.blogspot.com/2010/08/i-need-to-work-on-my-sewingcutting.html.
Let me just say that next month, I won't save the most labor-intensive part of a project for the FNSI... my neck and shoulders are sore today!
I had so much fun on Friday night that I continued to work on my quilt Saturday and Sunday - now it is done.
I tried a quilt as you go technique which could feature in future quilts it was easy and resulted in not one hand stitch.
Thanks for hosting.
So sorry I couldn't join in this month, I was in bed by 7pm and so tired after a day at the Festival of Quilts on Thursday. I'm enjoying sharing in what everybody got up to though and I'll be back next month for sure.
I have my results up on my blog http://sunshinewhimsy.blogspot.com/ although I didn't manage to get quite as much done as some. I had a great time, though! I can't wait for the next one. :) Now, I'm off to see what everyone else did Friday night!
I finally posted what I worked on Friday night. It might have remained in queue until next season if not for the Sew-In. Thanks for organizing it!
I like this blog. Thank you for sharing this information.
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