Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We have been in our new house for 2 months now. I am still decorating.. and unpacking. There.. I admit it. I still have quite a few boxes that need to be opened.  

I wanted to hang some of my favorite pictures of my kids in our dining room. But it felt like something was missing. The wall needed “texture”. I contemplated a shelf, but couldn’t find anything that I liked without buying all new frames. And let’s be honest, that wasn’t in the budget.

So on my way home yesterday – it hit me! Well, it didn't really "hit" me.. but the idea came to me for a small quilt!!

When I walked in the door – I went straight to my sewing room and got to work. I used 100% scraps (which is always a plus) from my recent table topper project. The fabric is “Gobble Gobble” by Deb Strain for Moda.

And here is another admission – I’m not a fan of the hand sewing portion of binding a quilt. I know.. I know.. a lot of you say this is your favorite part. But I think you are crazy. I don’t dislike it as much as I did when I first started quilting.. but it’s still not my favorite.

So when I saw this idea for a scrappy binding in Camille’s Book “Simplify” which I told you about a few posts ago – I was determined to give it a try. You use a 1 ½ inch strip of fabric and I love it! It was quick.. and after I washed it to give it that scrappy look - I was hooked.

I can’t stop looking at my new ‘wall’.. I love how it looks. Now I need to dig deep for some self control so I don’t have mini quilts hanging on every wall of the house. It was so fun to make.

I guess sometimes we all need those projects that offer quick results to spark our creativity and keep us sewing! I think I need a mini quilt in the bathroom.. maybe in the laundry room.. the kitchen... somebody stop me!!
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Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

I LOVE the scrappy binding look. Did you just fold it to the front and sew leaving quite a bit of raw edge? It is so cute. I haven't set foot in my sewing room since Friday night. I have been very lazy. After seeing this post and your adorable mini quilt, I think I'll be venturing in there today to work on something.


Poppyprint said...

That's so nice and you're right, it really makes the grouping on the wall.

Rachel said...

It looks really nice; it's the perfect complement to the photos. Nice job!

The Gaertegang Homestead said...

i see why your hooked! It's so cute I totally LOVE IT!! I say make as many as you for each room if all they look that cute...just saying!

Anonymous said...

It's brilliant - really completes the set of pictures you have there. I'm a big fan of mini quilts (I'm not up to handling large quantities of material yet so it's mini quilts all the way for me)! Love the scrappy binding too. You should definitely make more :0)

Jen said...

Love it! You're right, that's exactly what that wall needed! I should check out that binding, right now I'm binding a wall hanging and it looks like a kindergartner did it. You could put labels all over the house: laundry, mail, shoes... I think you're on to something!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

I recently found out we will be moving to another town. That means new home and new decorating. I love your idea. Family is most important right after God in Heaven, Jesus in My heart, and the Holy Spirit teaching me.


RobynLouise said...

I love it. I know scrapbookers who have scrapped wall labels for their photo collections so why shouldn't a quilter quilt one?! Lol, you'll be making quilted cards next for birthdays and Christmas to use up your scraps.

Toni said...

Heidi, it IS the PERFECT touch to your wall. What a great way to make a new place feel at home!! I love the binding - I'm with you, I don't enjoy that part either :)

boysmum2 said...

awesome, may have to consider something like that for my photo wall, would look awesome there too. Well done, love the simple binding part, so easy yet effective

Dawn said...

So cute!

Melody said...

What a great idea. This is really lovely.

Mrs A said...

your a genius, i hate handsewing binding too, so this is a perfect solution and made your banner look so good too!

Christie describeHappy said...

What a lovely addition to finish off that group of photos! And I'd like to admit that binding is my least favorite part of quilting too!!

sunny said...

I love it - it's the perfect finishing touch for the wall. Doesn't it feel great when it all comes together?

Crystal Hendrix said...

Such a good idea!!! I am SOOO going to do this!!! :D