So this is how my FNSI was supposed to go....
1. Stop on way home from work and buy groceries
2. Make a quick meal of sandwiches to feed family
3. Head to sewing room and work on my project that I had all layed out and ready
4. Wake up at 5 am Saturday so I could be on the road for a 4 1/2 hour trip to my Aunt and Uncles 50th Wedding Anniversary part Saturday afternoon/evening.
But instead.. it went something like this...
While finishing up my day at work, I received a phone call from an old friend who I haven't seen in 15 years. She was in town for the weekend and wanted to see me. How could I say no?
So my family joined her family out for dinner down on the shore of Lake Superior. The weather was beautiful, the food was good and the conversation was perfect. I hadn't seen her kids since they were tiny.. and she had never met my boys. It was an awesome evening.
By the time I got home.. I had no umph to sew anymore. :-( I packed my suit case and went to bed. I was up bright and early, before the sun came up. And on the road as planned.
Now I'm at my parents house and ready to head out for an afternoon of laughs with my relatives. And when I say laughs.. I mean it. My family is a very fun and funny crowd. I will also get to see Bobbi's parents who flew in for the event. I haven't seen them in a year since I moved up here.
When I get back to my parents tonight - I plan to surf your blogs and see what you were up to last night. I hope you were all better at getting stuff done then I was.
And don't forget to come back tomorrow - Bobbi and I have A LOT to giveaway. This is our 2 year FNSI anniversary remember?!
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March 2025 Monthly Specials
2 days ago
I feel you! I really had big plans for last night to make my first maxi dress. Unfortunately my hair appointment lasted way longer than expected. So by the time I made it home I was too tired. I'm going to sew next Friday for sure. I'm planning my evening already!
Life happens! Glad you had a great evening tho!
You made the right decision... friends and family always come first!
How could you say no! FNSI is awesome but you can sew another night and I'm sure we all put in enough stitches to cover your absence, glad you had a great time.
You can sew anytime (?). Take advantage of good times with friends and family when you can!!
Sounds like you had the perfect Friday night to me Heidi!! Have a wonderful time today with your family!
I can understand. I got things done, but not as much as I'd like...
Glad you got to visit with a friend. And are having a wonderful visit with your family.
Enjoy your weekend!
Who can resist catching up with an old friend...sounds like you are having a fun weekend!
I had to go to a summer college graduation but managed to get a few blocks done.
Life gets in the way at times ;-}
Ah, the best laid plans...have a tendency to go pear shaped! but how wonderful you were able to catch up with your friend...the sewing will be there when you get home, she won't be in town...enjoy laughing with your family...
Glad you fitted in seeing your friend,beautiful memories made and hope you are having a great time with rellies and friends,
Fun with old friends is a very good reason to change to your FNSI plans. Hope your family fun was all you expected.
I think you had the best FNSI, sewing seeds of friendship. How wonderful to catch up with your old friend and meet each others family.
Congratulions on running FNSI for two years. Can't believe it has been two years of fun. I love my FNSI's and don't think I have missed one . Now my DD has joined in too.
Looking forward to the next two years or more.
Thanks ladies.
Don't sweat it. You sound like you had a blast anyway.
Sometimes these things just happen. Don't worry, The most important is that you met an old friend, enjoyed their company as well as your family and had a great time. I think that was a great FNSI!!!
Congratulations on your 2 years of FNSI.
One thing about our sewing projects... they'll still be there waiting for us. The chance to spend time with old friends is so much more important.
I agree with everyone else. The sewing will still be there, the opportunity to spend the time with friends and family is not always there. You made the right choice.
Sometimes the best plans are the ones that evolve from the surprises of life. It sounds like you have had a fantastic time with friends and loved ones- what could be better than that!
Even the best laid plans don't always work out. Sometimes new things become priorities. Glad you had fun reuniting with old friends.
Shucks, I had the Saturday blog post that never was! I put the finished product in the Flickr group though. I hope you have a fun trip! Looking forward to what you share!
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