Ok, I found something recently and I just have to tell you about it. It's this amazing Block Tool.
Now I know one came out about 4 years ago.. but this one is just released and it has a lot more blocks inside. The one I have is so new.. that even the one they have on their website is the OLD ONE!!!
It is truly amazing.. I can't put it down.
It contains 160+ rotary-cut blocks. Each tab shows the block with layout.. and tells you how many of each square you need to cut.
Here is a close up.. then it tells you how big your squares should be based on the finished block size you want.... omg.. I'm getting dizzy with excitement here... 
There is a Block Index in the front.. I'm giddy..
There is a section of Tips and Helpful Hints that includes yardage calculations, piecing instructions.. and so much more.
Whoa.. I think I just blacked out!
So - I'm giving one of these away to one of you LUCKY people. I truly wish I could give one to each of you... that's how much I love this thing. I want everyone to have one!
How to Enter....
Just leave a comment.. that's it.. it's that simple!
Comments will be open until Friday at Midnight (MST) and I will post the LUCKY WINNER on Saturday.
What a great tool and wonderful giveaway!
Hehehehe no more math!! or not as much anyways!
I love that you are so excited about this!
What an awesome tool. I'd love to be a part of your giveaway :)
Very cool! Especially for a newbie like me!
how exciting! i would LOVE one of these! thanks for being so generous.
I'm a beginner and I would so love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
WOW! Even if I DON'T win the giveaway, I'm going to buy this for myself!! Thanks for the chance!
Oooh I would really love this!
This is so neat. I like things that let me on to the sewing part of a project. Thank you for the chance to win.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
That looks like such a cool tool! I would love love love to win it!
You are too kind--that looks awesome! Will spread the word on twitter...
That would be so great to have Heidi! Such a nifty gizmo! Thanks for having a give away! Sharonj.
Wow! What a neat reference tool! No more math!
That is soooo cool!! Thank you so much for the chance to win one.
Very Cool Tool ! And I was planning on starting a sampler quilt.
Wow, this is awesome. What a great giveaway!
wow what an amazing tool, better than a book love it
thanks for the chance
Hugs Cornelia
Aw, thanks Heidi!! Don't you just love NEW tools??? I've never even see the first one of these, so I would be thrilled to win the NEW one...lucky comment 20...go 20!
Looks fascinating and very useful.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Never even knew this existed....amazing what you can learn by reading blogs - sooooo much information out there.
Looks like it's a real asset for planning/designing/redrafting your own quilt. Will need to investigate....thanks!
Awesome! Every quilter should have one. What a great tool.
That is so neat, I'd love to have one. I can think of a few people I'd like to add one of these to their Christmas list. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm in. I'm already dreaming about how to use it.
I'm just a beginning quilter, but I think I could use that!
I want one! Please enter me in the giveaway, but I agree with the others, if I don't win I think I am going to have to buy one...
Oh my goodness. I could have used that just last week!
Thanks for the give-a-way!
That looks awesome. I need help in the math department too. Please include me in your great give-a-way
Im so excited! I have never seen this before, so its new to me, but it would be so helpful:)
A great tool - and so much easier on me when my daughter-in-law or niece call and ask how to modify a 8" block to a 15" block so they wont' have to make as many blocks.....
That tool is precisely what I need to help cut my stash down to size! Please enter me in the giveaway.
What an awesome sewing sister gift! I had never seen one! Thank you for sharing!
I'm buying one for myself and if I win giving one to my friend's mom. She will flip out!
I never saw anything like that where did it come from? This I definetly need and what a great gift it would make.
That is a cool little tool, i didn't know they made them!!
What a wonderful tool, something I would definitely put to good use
I'd do almost anything to avoid "doing the math." Where'd you get it ... just in case I don't win?!
Wow what a neat tool. Thanks for having a giveaway.
Cleary K.
oooh! I've been wanting one of those for a while now. Great giveaway.
I saw this the other day as well and freaked out. What a neat resource. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hallo Heidi,
ob mir Fortuna mal hold ist??
I would like to win this great tool.
I am on tour to quiltfriends fom friday to sunday evening, if you like to get my adress ....
lg ute br.
I have been wanting one of these for ever!
This would be a wonderful tool to have and so easy to take with you.
Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
I don't know of any quilter who wouldn't just love to have and use one of those !
That is such a cool tool!! And it is small enough you could fit into your purse!!! VERY nice!! Thanks for doing this giveaway! Your so sweet! (I am going to have a giveaway on my blog too, very soon! )
sounds brilliant - just what i need to take the plunge and have a serious go at quilting :)
Love this, had not idea that these even existed. Would love to win this, but usually am not that lucky. I tried to look it up, but only seem to find older ones. Will you share where we can purchase?
I've seen this before but I don't own one!! Thanks for the give-a-way!
Fun giveaway!
Cool tool! I'd love to win this, Heidi!
wow, that'd take me hours of figuring out the math!
oh wow I soo need this
please enter me in your draw
big hugs Beth
Wow! I have never seen this block tool before. Where have I been? I would love to win one. Please enter me in your draw. Thanks. Nola
What a handy tool .... leaving a comment to be in it to win it !!
Thanks for sharing !!
WOW! I NEED THIS! lol...
Wow....I have not ever seen anything like this. I would love to win it and I am sure it will be used on a regular basis :) Thanks
Looks very interesting. How nice it would be to have that on hand. No more drawing and calculating, its all done for you!
I was looking through the Quilting Bloggers site for quilting friends here in Arizona. I found your blog- found your giveaway and have my fingers crossed.
It sounds like a very handy tool to have around. I like how it shows pictures of the blocks too.
oh, count me in, I have never seen one of these, thanks for thinking of us.
Awesome tool and thanks for a chance to win it!
How COOL is that? I've never seen one of these before... I can see how you'd be mesmerized by it!
Hello Heidi,I haven't seen these before they look so handy. Thanks for giving us the chance to win one. Happy days.
So neat! Thanks for a great giveaway!
omg. Imagine how many UFOs I can add to my studio!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, I'd love one of those :)
I really like that they show how to make several different sizes.
I think this tool opens up loads of possibilities for my stash! I'd love to win it!
Genius! That's exactly what I need. Thanks for having this contest.
I could really put this tool to good use! I have a hard time visualizing layouts and enlarging quilts.
Great give away!
Very cool tool. :^)
Oh, I've heard about these! What a great giveaway. Thanks!
My sister would love this tool-she makes beautiful quilts
Where has this tool been hiding? this is a great great giveaway
I've asked my friends on various lists about this tool--I'm sure it was the older one. But your post shows me more than anyone else has.
How cool is that block tool!
Thankyou for thinking of us ... hope I'm the lucky duck.
I would LOVE to win this!!
OMG Heidi! This is fantastic! I've got to have one! Guess your excitement is contagious. Please enter me in your giveaway. I'll keep my fingers & toes crossed. Thanks
Thank you so much for telling us about, but how great to give one away.
That will come in handy for whomever wins it.
Oh that looks totally awesome!! And would come in handy for making blocks for comfort quilt projects!!
The possibilities are endless with this tool!
Would love to have it.
wow that is COOL! sign me up....
What a cool tool! I've never seen anything like that!
Such a cool tool! I'm just beginning to quilt again after a 3 year sabbatical. So, this tool would be helpful in getting started making quilts.
Thanks for the giveaway.
That is the coolest tool I have seen.
What a great idea. Would love to win it, thanks for running the competition. Your blogsite is great.
That looks like a "must have". I'd love to enter the draw.
Oh HOLY CRAP!!! I want one!! I want two actually in case I lose one! *W* I have never ever ever seen one of these, but I like it! going to stalk that website until the new beaut rippa rita one is on (thats aussie speak for when the new one is listed)...
PS thanks for offering such a fantabulous giveaway!!!
Wow what a great tool I never heard of it. And I made a point to make sure this year that I piece blocks because I mostly do applique and this would be a wonderful help..thanks for a great give a way. Please add me to the hat/
I so so so need that! I've never seen something like that, sure I've seen quilterschache.com and those "100+ quilt block" books, but nothing thats looked so handy and easy!!
TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!! I would love to have this...but what quilter wouldn't! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
That's really cool. I'd seen them advertised but never really looked at them. Thanks for the pictures and thanks for the opportunity to win one.
WoW! What a great tool! I would certainly use that!
Wow, the size is perfect! And I love all the block sizes! Thanks for the chance. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win that neat tool.
oh that would be perfect for me. please enter me too!!!!
Love the tool - hope to win - thanks for the give-away
What an awesome giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Woo Hoo! I do love a good tool!
I've never seen one of these before. I'd love the chance to win.
What a great tool to have on hand. I never even knew something like that existed. Thank you for the opportunity.
This would be a wonderful tool for every quilter to own! Hope I might be the lucky one who gets this one. Thanks for your generosity.
What a good giveaway. Please count me in.
this is the first time I've ever seen such a cute little thing.... and you're gonna part with it!??! Must have an extra ;)
Sure looks super handy to have near by work area. Too cute! Thanks for the chance to win!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Thanks for a chance to win!
I'm still laughing that you "just blacked out"!
too funny......
Happy sewing with your new tool....I hope I win one too :0)
That is so cool. If I had one I'd probably be as happy as you.
Thanks for showing us
Cheers and have a wonderful day
Thanks so much for sharing - it's always great to find new tools for this great craft we all share - and this one looks like one of those tools you won't want to be without once you've used it.
Please count me in your giveaway.
Regards, Sue
Wow! This looks so cool! Fun fun fun!
LOL! So tell us how you REALLY feel about it! Looks like something I should definitely own. Good luck to everyone!
Wow this is just what i need, thanks for the chance I know I will be super lucky to win it but thanks anyway.
Oh WOW, what a wonderfully generous giveaway. Such a useful and thoughtful gift. Fingers and toes crossed to win!
Looks like a great tool for taking out the guess work and saving time.
Thoughtful give away Heidi
That tool is incredible - would love to have one of the new ones.
Wow! What a great tool! It would be great to win one in your giveaway...Thanks!
Oh! wow.... I've never seen one of these before but it looks like a wonderful goodie to have on hand. I am still a novice quilter.... but have definately been bitten by the "quilting bug" I could sit and drool over quilts all day everyday. :)
That is so cool!! Great giveaway!
Wow, I jut found your blog and I saw this amazing tool and you are having a giveaway! Maybe i will be the lucky winner! :))
Thank you!
Happy sewing!
Wow. Quilting tools just keep getting better and better!
Now that is really neat. I would love to win it, thanks for the give-away!
I'dl ove that gadget - it'll save some of my brain cells for more creative thoughts!!
Oh this looks like fun! Thanks for the giveaway, and can't wait for the sew-in! :)
Looks like a great tool and so generous of you
Oh my gosh. What a fabulous tool. Good luck to everyone.
What an awesome idea!
That looks like a great tool
I love the goofy dolls I bet they would be a great project for my granddaughters to do with Nana
I love this - everything all in one place and no more running from book to book or web site to find what you want. That's a gotta have. Thanks for showing it to us.
Looks like I almost missed this one! I have been behind on reading blogs but sure am glad that I found this one. Looking forward to the Sew In.
Wow! That's really neat! Would love to have that come live with me!
Happy Quilting!
Would love to have this tool. I'm in . . . here's hoping!!
Espero que la fortuna me sonria, quisiera tener este regalo!!!!!!!!gracias amiga, buen findesemana
for the block dyslexic (as 9in me) this would be a wonderful prize! thanks so much for including me...i am hoping......Melinda
What a great tool! thanks for the chance to enter!
I didn't know about this great tool before - it sounds wonderful!
This tool sounds wonderful. I would be a very lucky winner if I am choosen. Hugs Jofrid
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