It's that time again! Time to join Bobbi and I for the monthly FNSI! Let's commit to some sewing time.
1. Enter your blog info below. **If you don't have a blog - you can enter the Flickr group link as your URL.
2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.
3. On Friday – 4/15/11- Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine.. and sit down to work on some of those projects.
4. Then, sometime on Saturday - publish a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two on Flickr. There is a FNSI group on Flickr if you haven't already joined. Totally optional.
And finally - on Sunday 4/17/11, we will enter all participants into a drawing for the GIVEAWAY!!
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March 2025 Monthly Specials
2 days ago
I'm in... looking forward to another fun night sewing along!
I have a few wee quilts ready to stitch on Friday.Or I may do some quilting???
I've been busy the last few sign in nights but I'm ready now!!! Happy sewing everyone!!
BTW love the new badge!
Looking forward to it. I enjoyed the last one and got LOTS done.
Perfect son has a science fair project due that day so this week I will be very busy helping him get done (we waited til the last minute) By Friday night I will be SO ready to sew!
Hi Heidi,
Have been FNSI with Mum for a while, now I can post myself.
Looking forward to it.
I am finally in for awhile. DH is on swings so he isn't home till around midnight, this past Friday I got more sewing done than I did all week long. Forgot all about the FNSI. I will blog about it later on, and be ready this Friday, it is on my calendar too!
Heidi, How good is that. Have finally got my DD2 Sandra to be a craft blogger and officially join FNSI.
Yay! I'm looking forward to this FNSI and hoping I can rope my daughter into it like last time. We had a blast. Some good bonding time!
New to blogging, but not to sewing:) I' ve never done one of these so it should be fun:)
New to blogging, but not to sewing:) I' ve never done one of these so it should be fun:)
New to blogging, but not to sewing:) I' ve never done one of these so it should be fun:)
Sounds like fun! I'll give it a try. I have tons of projects I could work on.
I have lots of handquilting to do on my daughters quilt
Hi, happy to sign in again. I make it a fridayafternoon sew-in, because in the evening we have to go to my sons school. They are performing that evening. But I will have something to show!!!
I'm looking forward to it. Finally some time to work on my own projects (drat to all these swaps I've joined :)
Yay! I enjoy these nights.
Looking forward to another relaxing evening of sewing with everyone!
Have several projects lined up, including one of your tutorials. wish me luck!
Oooh, I'm really excited. This will be my first FNSI and I can't wait!
I'm ready. I am planning to break into a charm pack and a honey bun. Love it!
Can't wait...have so much to do that night!
my firs Friday Night Sew In ... can't wait! lots to do :O)
Looking forward to it - I have a lot to work on.
Looking forward to April 15.... missed the March 'Sew In' and I've got lots to sew....maybe I'll catch up on a few projects.
I love the new badge!
I was sew excited to use it that I rushed in and put my name done {Brie} before I realized that I will be in Melbourne for the Quilt Exhibition this weekend and can't join in :'(
I am so excited it's FNSI time this week. Have some projects in mind to work on. Love the new badge. Off to put it on my blog.
I'm in. Haven't done FNS for a while. Really looking forward to it. :)
Yippee, I'm in again! Lots to do, I'll have to figure out what I'm going to work on :-)
So excited! I've got lots of WIP's to work on
Cant wait. An 'excuse' to stitch and to sew. yay!
Looking forward to this! I, also, have lot's to work on!!!
I'm in. Can't wait for Friday...
LOVE the new button!! So cute!
I need all the sewing time I can get this week. I'm trying to finish my American Beauty quilt.
I'm looking forward to this. Somehow I haven't managed to do any sewing these last couple of weeks. I'm determined to do some major sewing!
This will be my last Friday Sew In at home, so my boys are going up to the lake and my girl friends are coming over for the weekend to mess around the whole time! Who knows if we'll actually get anything done or not, but it will be fun!
This is a great way to end the week and take my mind off of all the money I just paid to Uncle Sam! :)
I'm signed up - my MIL will be 'playing' along with me but she doesn't have a blog. Looking forward to sew/crafting with you all!
I'm in! I can't wait!
I am signing up again. I like the new button.
Love the new button...
Unfortunately I probably won`t get to sew... I start the day with my son`s Pipe Band performance downtown, and then to school to get ready for our Fun Fair, if I get lucky I`ll make it home in the afternoon, then once picking the kids up, some last minute setup for the Fun Fair and the Fun Fair is from 5-9PM, then CLEANUP!
I`m guessing I`ll be exhausted, so no sewing for me...
I wish I could join, but I am out of town again. I hope everyone has a great time, I will be looking forward to seeing what every one accomplishes!
yay..... I´m looking forward to it!!!
Yippee - I will thinking about this all week! Sorry boss...
I'm in again. Now I have to think about what I'll do.
I'm in! I haven't decided what I will work on yet - I have lots to choose from.
Looking forward to a Friday night of sewing.
oh this will give a great opp to get my son's grad quilt done!
Looking forward to it. Thanks!
Great new button.♥
I'm going to work on a half square triangle quilt! I've got the cutting done, but it is time to do some serious piecing!
I'm ready. It seems that I have fallen behind with several projects. I need a jump start and your are it!
I sew need this sew-in! Have to finish a couple of projects that are way behind...even overdue!
Can't wait for Friday night! I've wanted to join in for a while now, but somehow never did...So, this will be my first FNSI. Husband's gone to work, toddler will be in bed... hopefully, that's good for at least two hours of sewing time! :)
This will be my first time with the Friday Night Sew In and I'm very excited! Husband will be out with work, kids will be occupied and I'll be sewing (after work)!
I have signed up for the Friday Night Sew-in at least 4-5 times. I usually am happy with what I get done. The last time I signed up but was not able to participate but I have an open calendar for this Friday!
I'll be there....cute new button!
I've been otherwise occupied on FNSI nights of late but this time I have a projectI want to start and it's already cut and waiting :).
Shoot~ i hope to sew ALL WEEKEND!
Going to try to make it this week! See you all on Saturday!
Should be a lot of fun ... I got a new sewing machine!!!! Can't wait!
Plan to make progress on some of the QALs I've jumped into!
Looking forward to getting some sewing done this Friday!
Count me in! Thanks for doing this again =)
Looking forward to an evening of sewing with all my pals! Really, this is so much fun. Thank you for hosting us -- aren't you glad we don't all show up with our machines, etc.?
Thank you for hosting again! I missed last month's because I was in VA. I am so looking forward this sew in.
I have to finish a quilt before Saturday, and I can pretty much predict I'll be up all night Friday night finishing it already!
Beautiful cool weather for a FNSI in front of the wood fire..Thankyou for hosting this..
I'm looking forward to a Friday night of sewing!
Can't wait, can't wait!!
I've signed up for the last two and ran into issues... I am looking forward to it this month!
Each time I sign up something in life takes me away from my sewing machine. This has got to STOP.
My Outlook calendar reminds me every month. This month will be no exception.
Hope I intend to join in with my bunny slippers.
Karen W. in S.W. Ohio
It´s the first time I sign in. I´m really excited. Hopefully I´m not ill again till Friday. I need to think about what I will sew at Friday night.
Greetings Maribel
I. Need. This! Thanks for providing us all with the opportunity to put our sewing machines and priorities in order for at least this one day!
First time joiner! :) I need to work through a few UFO's!
I'm new to blogging and have never done the Fri. night sew in. Sounds like fun! Really looking forward it and my first start at connecting with others who love sewing as much as I do!
Yeah! I'm in. I will be cutting a bunch so that on Friday night I can just sew sew sew.
My word verification word is tooted should i tell the computer that it has potty mouth. :)
Haven't used my blog in a while. It was mostly about knitting, should just change it to quilting! Looking forward to having an excuse to sew this Friday night! I have a project all ready to go!
I'm in! I missed out on the last one as I started blogging a day or two after. Looking forward to getting some of the items I've embroidered all sewn up and ready :-)
Have fun ladies xx
This'll be my first "official" FNSI, although it certainly won't be the first Friday night I've spent sewing.
I'm really looking forward to it!
I have some major Supernova sewing to catch up on so, after daughter gets off to her birthday party I will be joining in.
I'm in!
got two swap blocks to make and hopefully some more strip blocks to make up
I am looking forward to a evening sewing on projects. Thanks
Can't wait for evening to come. Just have to decide now what to work on.
wow!! Looking forward to another evening of 'stitching with the ladies' !
warm regards,
Going to try to sew all day this time!
Will replace the old button with the new one, too:)
I know I have a lot to do today, but I hope for some sewing time in the evening. UFOs are on my plan.Nice to know that I have company all over the world!
Mum and I are new to this crafting blogging, so along with the first posts of our blog which will be put up soon, it will be our first FNSI :)
Well it's thursday night and I stumbled upon the FNSI. Totally new to the blogging world but I am itching to cut out my new quilt project so tomorrow night is the night! Yay!
Signed up! Hopefully this time I will remember to add my project on Saturday!
Here I am - it has been a while since I have played along but I have a couple of small projects I'm hoping to finish off tonight if I don't get distracted by something completely new!
Thanks for inviting me.
I really like the new button too.
wow - its 5pm local time and i just was checking the computer before starting tea....lucky i did!!! FNSI got away form me this month!!! have fun tonight everyone!
Does sewing in thread ends count? Cos that's what I'll be doing. Hope I can get a bit of embroidery done on "My Town" BOM from Homespun. Fingers crossed and I can't wait
I hope I'm not too late, I wasn't sure if I would be able to join in or not, but I'm here now, it's 8pm and I'm snuggled up sewing the binding down on a quilt!
It's Friday Night here already on this side of the world but I wasn't sure I'd be home for FNSI and yay yes I I'm in...quick tea eaten, snacks purchased (gotta have chocolate), time to pick up needle and thread...
Oops, nearly missed it! I was just writing a post about it being FNSI and realised I hadn't signed up! Love the new badge too.
Hi Heidi, I've seen the FNSI mentioned again and again on other blogs so this time I thought I'd join in for the first time. THanks for hosting. Sounds fun!
I'm in!! Hoping to get my bathroom curtains done!
I was already planning to stay-in and sew when I saw this mentioned on Thread Head, I decided to check it out...and join in!
I'll be at my machine putting together my 4th Turning Twenty quilt, which is my go-to pattern for college grads. Using the Calypso line by Free it!
Such a great idea. I have been missing my time at the machine. This will be a perfect incentive. Happy Friday night sewing.
Just found your site and this gives me an extra excuse to sit and sew tonight. Hope everyone has fun and can't wait to see what everyone has been up to.
Can't wait until this evening to start stitching'
I almost forgot to sign up! I have been going through all of the boxes in the sewing room trying to organize and keep I finding UFOs. Some of them might be part of FNSI this time, but I also have a huge list of projects that I would love to start (and ideally finish!).
Either way, I will be sewing right along with the rest of you tonight!
I'm a Friday Nite Sew-In virgin! it's my first time :o) Hubby is going out and I've taken the kids and dog for a long walk, so hopefully this evening will be a peaceful one!
Since this weekend will be all about getting my taxes done (due end of April in Canada), tonight is the perfect night for a sew-in! count me in
I will be binding a quilt, perfect!
How fun...Now what to work on? :) I have so many, many things.
I'm excited about this! It's my first one :-) What a nice way to end a hectic week. Now I just have to decide which project to work on, in my comfy jammies of course :-)
It turns out my Friday night just got free...and I couldn't be happier! I'm getting everything all ready for FNSI! Yay!
This will be my first. And hopefully not my last. Have a quilt I could work on and a table runner. :)
Almost 5pm, dinner is cooking on the stove and I get to start sewing soon! Have fun everyone!
I love the new button!
I'm so excited you're doing this tonight! I'm looking forward to sewing with everyone!
Getting ready to make dinner, then sewing. Yippee!
Well, nothing like waiting until the last minute to sign up! It's a cold, windy, rainy night here. Perfect for a FNSI!
Hey I'm back! Looking forward to joining in a little later tonight.
A friend will be arriving any moment now for a QNIC "Quilting Night in Canada" on a Friday night. I think this qualifies! Check my blog later for pictures of our projects.
Looking forward to some more sewing! I've been really pumped about getting my sewing mo~jo back!!
My first FNSI
I have linked and I have no idea what I will be sewing, or unsewing, as the case may be. probably still prepping the wedding dress.
Nearly forgot about FNSI and nearly forgot to link too.
Thinking about sewing, but not actually doing any yet.
I'm a excited to join in on Friday Night Sew-In!
I'm finally finished with all the kitchen stuff and ready to get to the sewing room.
Totally ready for a night of sewing!
Well jeeze could I be any later to this party?!?! :)
Totally forgot to sign in for my first FNSI - so glad to make it!
I thought I had signed up, but I'm sure glad I double-checked! Had a fun sew-in - please visit my blog
I was there sewing last night - but am a pit late posting.. No phots of the labels and 'sleeve; I had done... but there I was :)
Is there a link to the Flickr group...I'm new and must be missing something...or extremely tired. :)
I am still new to the group's name FNSI? Will it be easy to find...or can you set up a link?
Flickr group is here:
I didn't do much sewing last night. I was really tired so I did better with some knitting.
I blogged and flickred!!
I've updated my blog and setup a Flickr account and added the photos from my time last night. Thanks so much for setting this up!
I checked to see if I was on the list and evidently I failed to add my name. I did participate last night though and have posted about it. Love those FNSI's.
I had the perfect quick and easy project for the Sew-In and got it done! That's a wonderful thing ...
Got a quick mug rug done as i was feeling a little unwell. But couldn't bear the fact that everybody would be sewing away happily while I will be in bed ;-)
I just found this neat place. Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun!! Can't wait until next Friday.
This sounds incredibly fun! I've gone through my scraps and have a few projects in mind just for the FNSI...maybe I'll actually finish some projects and I'm looking forward to making new friends here.
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